File: PAGE8.AC of Disk: Disks/PDP8-Net/multos8
(Source file text) 

[m70]P A G E 8 -- MACRO ASSEMBLER, V-7B         [d][w]Page[p] of[t]
 [1]  Introduction

 PAGE8 is an extremely powerful two-pass macroassembler that runs under
OS/8 with the following special features:

    [2]  Macro Facility

 PAGE8 implements all of the features of large scale assembler
positional macros, including forward and backward conditional and
unconditional assembly branches, nesting, concatenation and character
string manipulation. Macro libraries can be conventiently handled with

    [2]  Automatic Paging

 PAGE8 automatically and optimally paginates the source input
program so that the object code fits into the PDP[-]8 memory addressing

    [2]  Expression Analyzer

 PAGE8 contains an expression analyzer that analyzes expressions
according to standard rules of precedence. Parentheses may be used to
change the order of evaluation. 5 arithmetic, 3 logical, 6 relational,
2 shift and several special unary operators are provided.

    [2]  Constants

 PAGE8 handles binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal constants
in addition to two types of ASCII constants.

    [2]  Assembler Directives

 PAGE8 contains an extensive set of more than 50 assembler
directives that can be used to control all phases of the source assembly.

    [2]  Field Addressing

 PAGE8 treats the PDP[-]8 as a 32K processor and provides full
assembler support for symbolocally addressing all of the available memory.

    [2]  Error Detection

 PAGE8 incorporates a comprehensive error detection, warning
and status scheme that flags virtually all symtactic errors and many
semantic errors in the source program. Once detected, remedial action
is taken whenever possible to ensure that the final object code can be
easily patched.

    [2]  Cross Assembly

 With its extensive features, PAGE8 can actually be used
(and HAS been used) as a reasonable macro assembler for other computers.
    [2]  Cross-Reference Directory

 PAGE8 automatically supplies a detailed croos-reference
directory to supplement the listing pass output. All errors, warnings
and symbolic references are collated. In the case of a symbolic
reference, flags are posted indicating whether the reference could
change the value of the addressed location (i.e. a destructive
reference) and the type of reference (literal, I/O, field reference

    [2]  External Symbol Directory

 As a run-time option, PAGE8 has the capability of generating
an external symbol directory of all symbols, or just global symbols,
that were defined in the program. This symbol directory can then be
used as an input source file to assemble other programs that need
the values of those defined symbols.

    [2]  Literal Reference Counts

 When the current page literal pool is output, PAGE8 lists
a count of the number of references that used that literal. This
is extremely useful when patches are being made since the
programmer can be immediately alerted to a possibly unexpected use
of the same literal elsewhere on the page.

    [2]  Local Symbols

 PAGE8 incorporates local symbols which relieve the programmer
from having to invent symbolic labels that have no meaning in
the program. In addition, PAGE8 posts reference counts to local
symbols which specify the number of times that local symbol has been
 [1]  Using PAGE8

 The PAGE8 assembler requires an OS/8 system with a minimum
of 16K of memory on either a PDP[-]8/e or PDP[-]8/I type computer.
Separate two-page device handlers are permitted for both input
and output. All of the available memory above the first 12K
of program space is used for the master symbol table (unless an
explicit memory directive has been issued to OS/8). This allows
about 700-850 symbols in each 4K memory field under normal conditions.

 When called, the PAGE8 assembler brings in the OS/8 Command
Decoder to get a file specification list for the assembly. PAGE8
will also support a direct call from OS/8 CCL if "PAGE8" is
substituted for "PAL8" in the appropriate CCL tables.

 Up to three output and nine input files may be entered to
the Command Decoder. The first output file is for the binary output
and is generated in a format suitable for the standard binary loader
or the OS/8 ABSLDR program. The second and third output files are
used for the listing. If the second output device fills, PAGE8
automatically outputs and End-of-File, closes the file and switches
to the third output device.

 The pass 3 list output should be on a device other than SYS:,
since SYS: is used for the temporary cross-reference file (CROSS.TM)
which is also build during pass 3. Failure to observe this precaution
will result in a totally scrambled listing and cross-reference

 If a carriage return is typed after the * of the Command
Decoder, PAGE8 outputs a two page help file on the master terminal.
Striking any character on the keyboard suppresses the listing
of the help file. The help file contains a list of all the error
flags and their meaning along with a list of all the run-time
options in PAGE8.
 At the start of each pass, PAGE8 identifies the pass on
the master terminal. If no object code is to be generated, PAGE8
proceeds directly to pass 3. Three passes are only needed
when both the object code and assembly listing are to
be generated at the same time. At the end of the third pass,
PAGE8 chains to the program HPSORT.7A which handles the sort/merge
of the cross-reference file and generates the cross-reference
directory and external symbols directory (depending on the
run-time options that were in effect).

 The current assembly location counter is displayed in the
MQ register if one exists. Due to the complexity of this
assembler, the rate at which source statements are processed
is somewhat slower than PAL8 on small programs. On large programs,
or programs where there is a significant crross-reference directory,
PAGE8 is considerably faster than PAL8. Unlike CREF, PAGE8 can
handle arbitrarily large programs since an external sort
(modified TREESORT4) is used for the cross-reference directory.

 The source program syntax is slightly different from that
of PAL8. If an existing PAL8 program is to be assembled under
PAGE8, some minor conversions will be needed. In almost all cases,
however, such conversions can be quickly handled with the TECO
editor program.

 Although any text editor program can be used to prepare
the source program (such as TECO or EDIT), there are several
advantages in using DISC's ICE editor (Intelligent Correction
Editor). ICE command syntax is virtually identical to EDIT,
but has the advantage of being far faster, providing automatic
file backup and space warning, in addition to keeping
track of both the new and the original line numbers in a program.
Furthermore, the ICE editor can post flags on modified or
deleted statements which are then picked up by PAGE8 and posted
on the assembly listing as warnings. This way, the programmer
has a cross-reference of all modified and deleted statements
from the most recent editing pass through the source program.
 [1]  PAGE8 Run-Time Options

 The following special run-time options may be used in the
command string typed in to the OS/8 Command Decoder:

	/A  Abort assembly upon detecting an error in the source
program. The line in error is listed before PAGE8 returns to the
OS/8 Keyboard Monitor.

	/C  Remove all comment fields and comment statements from
the list output.

	/D  Generate an external symbol directory of all symbols
used in the program. HPSORT generates an external symbol directory
file on the system device (SYS:) with the extension of .SD. This
file can then be used as an input file for subsequent assemblies
of programs which need this set of equivalences. If there is no
name for the pass 3 list output file (viz. LPT was used as the
output device), the file is given the name: NONAME.SD.

	/E  List all the pass 1 errors and/or pass 1 output on the
pass 3 listing device with the same file name but the extension
of .LX. Pass 1 errors are normally listed on the master terminal.

	/F  Replace the cross-reference directory with a simple symbol
table listing. This feature may be necessary in cases where there
is not sufficient room on the system device for the temporary
cross-reference file (CROSS.TM). It may also be necessary in cases
where the listing pass output has to be placed on the system device.
In the latter case, it would be possible to run the listing and
cross-reference directory separately.

	/G  This option is identical to /D except that only global
symbols are included in the external symbol directory. /G is the
normal option for general symbol directories.
	/H  Hexadecimal output. If this option is chosen, PAGE8 outputs
all addresses and assembled code in hexadecimal instead of octal on
the final list output from pass 3. This option is useful to
programmers more familiar with hexadecimal than octal, or when
PAGE8 is being used as a cross-assembler for a hexadecimal-oriented

	/I  Generate an index of contents. This option produces an
index of all the FILE and TITLE statements with the file/section/line
numbers. The index of contents is generated during pass 1, and the
outputs appears on the pass 3 list device with the same file name but
an extension of .LX.

	/J  List all statements. Normally statements such as EJECT,
TITLE, FILE, LIST etc. are not listed. The /J option forces all
statements to be listed. Note that even when statements are not
listed, the line numbers are correctly updated.

	/L  Suppress the entire listing except for the symbol
directory. Only NOTE: statements and statements with errors will
be listed.

	/M  Assume that only an 80 column printer is available for
the cross-reference directory. HPSORT normally uses the entire 132
column width of a line printer for the listing.

	/P  Pass 1 list. This option causes the pass 1 output to be
listed on the console (or on the output device if the /E option is
also included). This is primarily an internal diagnostic tool, but
it can be useful in debugging complex macros.

	/S  Suppress the listing of the symbol directory.
The symbol directory normally appears on the pass 3 list device with
the same name but the extension of .CF. The /S option does not
inhibit generation of an external symbol directory via the /D or /G
	/T  Title suppression. This option suppresses the listing of the
PAGE8 title and subtitle lines. Page ejects will also be suppressed.

	/W  Warnings as errors. This option instructs PAGE8 to treat all
warnings as errors. Any warning statements will then be flagged as
errors and listing in all passes along with the error asterisks. Combined
with the /L option, this provides a convenient way of getting a quick
listing of all statements on which warnings have been posted.

	/Y  Suppress listing of un-referenced symbols in the symbol
directory. If a symbol is defined but never used, this options inhibits the
appearance of this symbol in the directory. It is most useful when a
large external synbol directory is being assembled along with a
program. In this case there may be many definitions that are not needed
by the program and the /Y option prevednts their cluttering up the
cross-reference directory.

	=   Set default page eject count. Normally, an EJECT statement
without an expression is unconditional. If a default eject count
is supplied with this option, PAGE8 treats such EJECT directives as
conditional page ejects (see EJECT directive for more details on
conditional page ejects).
 [1]  PAGE8 Character Set

 Numeric Characters:	digits 0-9
 Alphabetic Characters:	letters `a' to `z' and `:'

 Special Characters:

	*	Current location counter
	*-+/	Arithmetic operators
	=	Defines current page literal expression
	#	Defines a page zero literal expression
	.	Delimits logical, shift and relational operators
	.	Identifies a sequence symbol
	,	Separates expressions
	'	Delimits a typed or ASCII constant
	()	Delimits a parenthetical expression
	$	Identifies a global or macro symbol or absolute
address reference
	&	Defines an indirect run-time assembly reference
	%	Unary symbolic operator to extract field address
	"	Identifies a double ASCII constant
	?	Unary symbolic definition operator or macro substitute
	<>	Delimits dummy macro arguments
	!	Identifies the listing line for a macro call
	;	Delimits start of a strippable macro comment
	:	As the first character of a symbol, inhibits
appearance in the cross-reference directory
 [1]  PAGE8 Expression Rules

 An expression consists of any number of symbols or numeric
constants separated by legal PAGE8 operators. All expressions are
evaluated accorlding to normal rules of precedence. Operators at
the same precedence level that are adjacent are evaluated from
left to right. The normal order of evaluation may be altered by the
use of parentheses. Unary operators may appear before any symbols
or numeric constants or parenthetic expressions. If an expression
is too complex (excessive nesting of parenthetic expressions etc.)
the E error flag is posted.
 [1]  PAGE8 Operator Precedence Hierarchy

 In the table below, 1 represents the highest precedence and 8
represents the lowest precedence. All operators are listed in order
of increasing binding power.

      --------	----		----------	---------
	.XO.	Logical		     8		Exclusive OR
	.OR.	Logical		     7		Inclusive OR
	.AN. &	Logical		     6		Logocal AND
	.LS.	Shift		     5		Left Shift
	.RS.	Shift		     5		Right Shift
	.LT.	Relational	     4		Less than
	.LE.	Relational	     4		Less than or equal
	.EQ.	Relational	     4		Equal
	.NE.	Relational	     4		Not equal
	.GE.	Relational	     4		Greater than or equal
	.GT.	Relational	     4		Greater than
	+	Arithmetic	     3		Binary addition
	-	Arithmetic	     3		Binary subtraction
	*	Arithmetic	     2		Binary multiplication
	/	Arithmetic	     2		Binary division
	.MO.	Arithmetic	     2		Binary modulus
	+	Arithmetic	     1		Unary addition
	-	Arithmetic	     1		Unary subtraction
 [1]  PAGE8 Symbols, Constants and Literals

    [2]  SYMBOL

 A symbol consists of an alphabetic character
followed by any number of alphabetic or numeric characters.L
There is no limit on the length and all characters are
significant. Only the first 11 characters, however, will
appear in the cross-reference directory.


 A sequence symbol consists of a period
followed by a symbol. Unlike address labels, sequence symbols
may be used in the label field of almost all PAGE8 directives.


 A local symbol consists of a digit from 0[-]9
followed by an `H' (meaning `here') in the label field. In the
operand field, a digit from 0[-]9 is followed by either an
`F' (for `forwards') or a `B' (for `backwards') in order
to reference the next or previous local symbol lthat has the same
digit. A detailed decription of local symbols and their
usage may be found in volume 1 of Knuth's `THE ART OF COMPUTER
PROGRAMMING'. Local symbols may also be used in the label
field of the SET, EQU and QUT directives. A local macro
symbol is identical to a normal local symbol except that
it is prefixed in all cases with a dollar sign ($).


 An untyped constant consists of a string
of decimal digits whose value lies in the range: 0[-]4095 (decimal).
Note that untyped, decimal constants are treated as signed numbers.
If the value of the constant is greater than 2047 (decimal),
the Z warning will bed posted to indicate that a sign change
has occurred. The value of the constant will, however, be
correct. The RADIX directive controls the base of untyped
constants (the default value is 10). If the untyped constant
begins with a leading zero, this is tgreated as an alternate
way of expressing an octal constant. The sign change warning
is not posted on untyped constants when the radix is something
other than decimal.

 A typed constant consists of a letter identifying
the radix of the constant followed by a string of digits or
hexadecimal characters (A[-]F) in the range 0[-]4095 (decimal) enclosed
within single quotes. Binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal
constants are allowed:

	X'FF'		Hexadecimal constant
	O'73'		Octal constant
	B'110110'	Binary constant
	D'984'		Decimal constant


 A single ASCII constant consists of
a quote followed by an character from the PAGE8 character set.
All characters in the range 240 (octal) to 337 (octal) are allowed.
Character codes are generated with the parity bit always set to 1.
Macros may be used to generate ASCII constants with parity.


 A double ASCII constant consists of
a double quote followed by any two characters from the PAGE8
character set. The two characters are truncated to 6[-]bit
ASCII and combined to form a single 12[-]bit value. For example,
"QX would have the value 2130 (octal).

    [2]  LITERALS

 Any legal PAGE8 expression may be preceded by
either an equals sign or a number sign to indicate that the
expression should be taken literally. PAGE8 evaluates the
expression, inserts the value into the appropriate literal
pool (either on the current page if `=', or page zero if `#')
and uses the address of the literal in the operand field.
Literals are allowed with any operation codes or directives.
Literals can also be used to force explicit indirect memory
references. In the event thatg the operand is located in a
different memory field, PAGE8 requires an explicit indirect
memory reference to a literal in order to avoid the posting
of the K error flag (illegal cross field reference).

    For example:

	TAD	TABLE		would be illegal if TABLE is located
in a different memory field.
	TADI	=TABLE		would be the correct method of
referencing TABLE under these conditions.
 [1]  PAGE8 Source Statement Format

 The source program for input to PAGE8 should adhere to the
following specifications:

	1.  A comment line is identified by the presence of an asterisk (*)
or a slash (/) in column one of the statement. A blank line consisting
of just a CR/LF is permitted.

	2.  If a label is present, it must begin in column one; otherwise,
column one should be blank. A comma is allowed after the label (as in PAL8)
but it is not required by PAGE8.

	3.  The operation code must appear no later than 20 character
positions after the last character in the label field (or
from column one, if there is no label on the statement).

	4.  The operand field must appear no later than 10 character
positions after the last character of the operation code.

	5.  The comment field is separated from the operand field by one
or more blanks. No special character is required to identify the
start of the comment field. The only exception to the `one-blank'
rule involves operation instructions. Operate instructions must
be separated by two or more blanks from the comment field
since a single blank after an operate instruction indicates
that another operate instruction is to be micro-coded.

	6.  If an optional operand field is omitted, the comment field
should lie at least 10 character positions after the operation code.

	7.  A source statement should not contain more than 80
charactgers. If there are more than 80 characters, the remaining
characters are stripped and the X warning flag will be posted.
	8.  Some of these specifications are slightly different inside
a macro definition. For example, in a macro definition, comment
fields are generally (but not necessarily) delimited with a semicolon.
The documentation on the macro facility describes these differences in

	9.  On input, all lower case characters are folded to upper
case and are therefore legal. Invalid control characters are replaced
with a square bracket ([]]).
 [1]  PAGE8 Error, Warning and Status Flags

 Error, warning and status flags consist of a single character
that appears between the line number and the address. A maximum
of four flags will be posted on a single line, although the total
error count will continue to be incremented and cross-references
accumulated. Error flags always increment the error count and
cause two asterisks to appear in the left margin; warning and
status flags do neither. The following error flags may be posted
by the PAGE8 assembler:

	A  Autopaging exception error. An attempt was made to reference
a symbol located on a page other than the current page or page zero
with an indirect memory reference. A paging link is generated on the current
page with a value of zero and
an indirect reference assembled to it. In PAGE8 programs, it is
generally best to reserve a small set of temporary cells on page zero
through which explicit indirect references may always
be executed without addressing problems.

	B  An attempt has been made to resetr either the assembly origin
or the assembly field backwards within a given ISEC area. Due to
constraints of automatic paging, PAGE8 will not allow this to happen.
A HLT instruction is assembled instead, so that the memory address can
be readily identified. Efficient use of the two ISEC areas and the
relocation directives effectively removed this restriction.

	C  An illegal character was found in an expression when PAGE8
was scanning for an operand. The most likly cause of the error is
adjacent operators or an incorrect number of subexpressions
in the operand field.

	D  Duplicate symbolic label. PAGE8 found a symbolic label which
had either been used previously as a label or which had been
previously defined via an EQU, QUT or SET directive.

	E  Expression is too complex (expression analyzer stack overflowed).
The expression must be broken down into two (or more) simpler expressions.
	F  Error in number of Fields. PAGE8 found an incorrect number
of expressions in the operand field of a statement. If too many,
the extra expressions were ignored. If too few, a
value of zero was return for each missing expression.

	G  Group error on microcoded operates. One (or more) of the
operate instructions microcoded does not belong to the same
group as the first operate instruction. This flag is also
posted if the operate instructions are in the same group
but have incompatible bit assignments. A halt instruction
is assembled instead. The error may also have been caused
by a failure to leave at least two blanks between the last
operate instruction and the start of the comment field.
NOTE: PAGE8 does not permit HLT to be microcoded with and skip
instructions (use DSI or a macro in the rare event
that a microcoded HLT instruction is needed).

	H  An illegal character was found in a typed constant. PAGE8
returns a value of zero for the constant. This error flag is also
posted if a carriage return is found immediately after thke
single or double quote of an ASCII constant.

	I  Illegal operand displcement. PAGE8 requires that the
absolute displacement from the first symbolic tag in an
operand field of a memory reference instruction be less
than or equal to 77 (octal) (paging adjustment restriction). For
example, a statement such as `JMP *-0123' is illegal while
`JMP TABLE+040' would be perfectly legal.

	J  PAGE8 fould that the operand field of a RET directive
(return from subroutine) contained a symbolic address which had
not been defined as a subroutine entry point via the SUB
	K  Memory field overflow or illegal field reference. In the first
case, PAGE8 found that the next available memory page was located in
the next memory field. PAGE8 requires use of the
FIELD directive to switch to the next memory field. After
posting the error flag, PAGE8 sets the assembly location
counter back to zero and moves to the next memory field.
Under such conditions, the generated object code and assembly listing
will be invalid (in particular, this error condition cannot be used
as an ingenious method of overcoming the restriction about
setting the assembly location backwards).

	   In the second case, a reference was found to a location
that could not be legally referenced due to memory field addressing
problems. For example, a source statement contained a direct
memory reference instruction to a
tagged location in a different memory field. It should
have been coded as an indirect memory reference through a

	L  The page zero literal pool is full. The literl in the
statement on which this flag was posted has not been stored
in the literal pool on page zero. Page zero literals are built
down from location 177 (octal) to the highest location
on page zero where object code was generated. In any event,
the page zero literal pool may not go below location 20 (octal)
because unexpected problems can arise if a literal is stored in
an auto-index register location.

	   This error flag is also posted if a literal is encountered
in a subexpression of a DC or subroutine call constant list.

	M  Macro definition syntax error. This error could be cause
by a missing MEND directive, illegal use of the angle
brackets or an illegal statement within the macro definition.
This error flag will also be posted if a MEND or MEXIT
directive is encountered outside of a macro or if the
maximum permitted nexting level (which is 3) is exceeded during
expansion of the innermost macro.
	N  Numeric error. This error flag may be posted for any one of
the following three reasons:
		(1)  an attempt was made to divide by zero in an
expression. In this case, a value of zero is returned for the entire
		(2)  a non-existent radix designation was used in a typed
constant (the only legal designations are: B, D, O and X).
		(3)  the value of the operand to an LDI directive
is invalid[-][-]there is no combination of microcoded instructions
that can generate the desired constant.

	O  Undefined operation code. Apart from an obvious error, the
following possibilities should be checked:
		(1)  a macro definition for that operation code
is missing.
		(2)  a blank line had one or more blanks before the
carriage return, line feed.
		(3)  an UNLINK directive had been issued
at some point to remove the operation code definition from PAGE8.

	P  An undefined or illegal operator was encountered in an
expression. A value of zero is returned for the entire expression.
A value of zero is return for the entire expression. Another
common cause for a P error is a syntactically incorrect local
symbol[-][-]a single digit followed by an `F' or a `B' identifies
a local symbol. If a character other than `F' or `B' is present,
PAGE8 treats it as a single digit decimal constant followed by
an illegal operator.

	Q  Illegal forward reference. The operand field for this
operation code must only contain symbols which have been
previously defined. The value of the expression is always
zero regardless of which pass the assembler is in. Unlike
most assemblers, PAGE8 is not subject to phase errors
caused by illegal forward references. Predefinition (i.e.
definition of all symbols in a prior source statement) is
required for all of the following directives: EQU, QUT, SET,
addition, the statement: `(Symbol) QUT %*,*' is illegal
in an ISEC area (but legal in DSEC). This latter restriction
is necessary in order to avoid obscure but hightly undesirable
page-addressing errors.
	R  Redefinition error. An attempt has been made to redefine
a symbol with an EQU or QUT directive. Or, an attempt was made to
redefine a symbol with SET/MSCAN that had not originally been
defined with a SET or MSCAN directive. The value of the symbol
remains unchanged.

	S  Error in symbolic label. This error flag may be posted under
any one of the four following conditions:
		(1)  the directive in the operation code field is not
 permitted to have a label field.
		(2)  the label does not begin with an alphabetic
character or does not have the correct form for a local symbol.
		(3)  the label is missing in a directive that
requires a label such as SET, EQU, QUT or MSCAN.
		(4)  the operation code field contains a call
on a macro whose definition did not contain a label specification.

	T  Truncated value. The expression in the operand field is too
large for the specified operation code. The value of the expression
is truncated to the correct size by masking.

	U  Undefined symbol. A source statement contains a symbol
which has never been defined in the source program. Such symbols
always have a value of zero return for them.

	V  Table overflow. The master symbol table has exceeded the
memory capacity of the computer on which the source program
is being assembled. Assembly continues but no more symbols
can be defined. On subsequent passes, such symbols will be
treated as undefined symbols and the U error flag will be
posted. This error flag could also be posted in the extremely
unlikely event that too many local symbols were used
(limits: main program: 1024 (decimal) for each digit; macro next levels
one and two: 512 (decimal) for each digit; macro next level three:
256 (decimal) for each digit).

	Y  Either there is no more room for an entry in the object gap
tables (error flag posted on GAP directive) or a syntax error
was encountered in a sequence symbol (error flag
posted on an AGO or AIF directive).
	Z  Arithmetic overflow occurred during the evaluation of an
expression. A value of zero is returned for the expression in such
cases. Overflow can occur as the result of a multiplication, or
during the evaluation of a constant. Overflow and underflow can occur
during shift operations. To avoid
an error flag on shifts, the operand should be masked first to ensure
that only zero bits are lost during the shift operation.

	$  Missing sequence symbol or missing MEND directive on a macro.
An END directive (or EOF on the last input file) was encountered
in a macro definition, or while the assembly was turned off. If a
missing sequence symbol was the cause, the sequence symbol for which
PAGE8 was searching is listed immediately above the flagged line.

	)  The parentheses in an expression do not balance. A value of
zero is returned for the entire expression.

	#  Missing argument on macro call. A macro call was missing an
argument required by the macro definition, or for which the macro
definition included no provision for defaulting its value
if omitted on the macro call.

	*  Internal pagination phase error. An internal phase error
has occurred in paging the source program (the literal pool and
assembled code have collided on the current page in pass 2).
Pagin phase error can only occur in conjunction with some
other kind of highly fatal error such as memory field overflow
or invalid usage of the UNLINK directive or the special `&'
run-time reference operator.

	<  Macro syntax error. A macro definition was found with a syntax
error involving the use of the dummy argument delimiters. The most
likely cause would be unmatched angle brackets.

	%  Infinite loop. More than 4095 (decimal) assembly branches
have been taken at a single nexting level in a macro expansion.
Under such condition, an infinite loop in a macro definition seems
to be almost certain. PAGE8 exists the macro expansion regardless
of the current nexting level.
	]  Illegal unprotected statement. The flagged statement must
be protected with a ROOM directive in an ISEC area. Generally,
the problems lies in a sequence of statements which must be
protected in order to ensure that a bad page break will
not occur. The most common examples include:
		(1)  a CIF or CID instruction that is not immediately
followed with a JMP or JMS.
		(2)  two or more consecutive skip instructions.
		(3)  an unprotected call to a subroutine whose
entry point has been destructively referenced (indicating that
either a parameter list follows in subsequent statements
or that there are multiple exit points on the return).

	   In the event that a ROOM directive is not actually
required (possible in some unusual cases), the programmer can simply
insert an ANOP statement in front of the flagged statement.
This will suppress generation of the error flag.

	?  Absolute addressing error. In order to trap out obscure
semantic errors caused by a missing = or # on an intended literal
reference, PAGE8 insists that absolute operand addresses be
preceded with the $ operator. For example, the statement:

		AND	077

	   will be flagged as an error since it is very likely
that the intended statement was:

		AND	=077

	   where the 077 is a literal. If a reference to location
0077 was actually intended, it should be coded as:

		AND	$077

	   (the $ signals PAGE8 that the 077 is a location).
 [1]  Warning and Status Flags

	W  Address Warning. The instruction has been assembled
correctly but may not assemble correctly in the future
because of page addressing problems. This warning would
be posted if there was an indirect memory reference
through a location on the current page. In future
assemblies the page break may occur at a different place
at which time the reference could become illegal (and the
A error flag posted). Judicious use of the ROOM and ALIGN
directives can prevent any problems arising in the future.

	X  Source statement truncate warning. A line of more than
80 (decimal) caharacters has been found. All additional characters
after the 80th character are stripped until a carriage return is
found. The statement is then processed normally.

	+  Forwards address adjustment. This is a status flag to
indicate that the actual numeric valued of the operand
field has been recalculated and adjusted forwards to
account for the space taken up by the current page literal pool.

	-  Backwards address adjustment. This status flag indicates
that the actual numeric value of the operand field has
been recalculated and adjusted backwards to account for
the space taken up by a current page literal pool.

	'  Indirect paging link. This status flag indicates than
an indirect paging link has been generated by PAGE8 on a direct
memory reference instruction. If the memory field specified in the most
recent AFIELD directive (or default) differs from the current
assembly field, PAGE8 will aditionally post the K error flag
(illegal memory field reference).
	?  Dubious syntax/possible semantic error. PAGE8 posts this
warning flag when it finds a statement of doubtful validity.
For example, the statement:


	   is syntactically correct but semantics indicate that
it was probably intended to be:


	   This warning may also be posted when an external memory
reference has been made to a location
within the current memory field. In any event, PAGE8 assembles
the instruction according to the specified syntax of the statement.

	[[]  Protected range. This status flag is posted on any
statement producing object code that PAGE8 determines is still
contiguously protected by the most recent ROOM directive.
Due to the complex internal processing of ROOM directives,
the programmer is advised to examine PAGE8's determination
of protection ranges rather than relying on any simple
empiracal rules.

	   Local symbol reference counts. The digit identifies the
number of references made to the local symbol in the label
field of the statement on which the count is posted.
A count of 7 is used to indicate 7 or more references to
the local symbol, while 0 indicates a likely error[-][-]there
are no references to this symbol. A count of 1 is considered to
be the most common case, so no count is posted in this case. These
warnings are provided in addition to the PART directive to aid the
programmer in overcoming the most common error in the use of local
symbols[-][-]a missing label will not cause a U error flag to be
posted if there is
another identical label at a previous or subsequent statement
that can be referenced without crossing a PART directive.
	Z  Sign change. This flag is posted on untyped, decimal
constants whose value exceeds 2047 (decimal) but is less than
4095 (decimal) to alert the programmer that this number will be
considered a negative number in two's complement arithmetic. This
warning flag is also posted if a sign change occurs following
the multiplication of two numbers.

	@  Edit/deletion change. If the source program was
prepared with DISC's ICE editor, this warning flag indicates that
the current statement during the last edit cycle (1) was modified
or (2) follows statement(s) that were deleted.
 [1]  Other PAGE8 Assembly Errors

	USER ERROR 8 AT xxxxx

	   This error message indicates that PAGE8 ran out of room
on the output device. Assembly is aborted.

	USER ERROR 5 AT xxxxx

	   This error message indicates that PAGE8 could not load
the device handler. Assembly is aborted.

	USER ERROR 9 AT xxxxx

	   An OS/8 device handler return a fatal I/O error
status to PAGE8. Assembly is aborted.


	   PAGE8 ran out of room on the system device (SYS) for the
temporary cross-reference file (CROSS.TM). A cross-reference
directory cannot be supplied. Assembly continues and PAGE8
set the /F option so that a simple directory with reference
counts will be supplied instead.
 [1]  General Notes on the PAGE8 Instruction Set

 PAGE8 recognizes most of the standard PAL8 mnemonics. One
general departure involves memory references. Separate
operation code are provided for indirect memory references,
so that one writes 'TADI' rather than 'TAD I'. On CIF, CDF
and CID operation codes the operand field should contain a
memory field designation in the range 0[-]7 (not 10 to 70
as in PAL8).

 External memory references are provided with TADX, DCAX,
ANDX, INCX, JMSX and JMPX in order to facilitate cross-field
memory references. PAGE8 automatically supplies the
correct CDF instruction and then generates an indirect
reference through the current page literal pool (CIF is
generated for JMPX and JMSX). Except for JMSX and JMPX, PAGE8
then supplies another CDF instruction back to the field
specified in the most recent AFIELD directive (or to the current
field if AFIELD has not been used). If the operand to TADX, ANDX,
DCAX, or INCX contains a second expression, PAGE8 treats that
expression as the memory field to which the first CDF is to
be generated. If none is found, PAGE8 supplies the field
address of the referenced symbol, or if none, field zero.
In the case of a JMSX or JMPX instruction, PAGE8 generates
the CIF instruction but does not generate any other code
other than the instruction itself.

 The following examples demonstrate PAGE8 syntax on external
memory references and also show the expanded code generated:

	PAGE8 Instruction	Generated Code
	-----------------	--------------

				CDF	%*
	INCX	$010,6		CDF	6
				INCI	=$010
				CDF	3

				JMSI	=SUBR,43,X'FF'
				(Note: in the above example,
PAGE8 handles the page break problem.)
 With the JMS, JMSI and JMSX memory references, a parameter
list is permitted on the same line separated by commas. The
parameter list and the assembled instruction(s) are then
kept together as a group and PAGE8 ensures that a page break
will not occur at that point. Note that instructions are not
permitted as parameters in the sub-expression[-][-]a statement
such as 'JMS SUBR,JMP ERROR' is not valid in PAGE8. Any
addresses supplied as parameters will be taken as absolute
values and will not be adjusted by the paging routines. The
point of this latter warning is that if a program passes an
error address as a parameter, and that error address has an
offset (such as ERROR+4), it is conceivable that the absolute
address could be pointing into the literal pool (if ERROR
was located at the end of a memory page).

 If the restrictions above are too sever, the subroutine
call and its arguments can be handled with a macro. The macro
could then handle the page break problem and additionally
allow any kind of instructions as arguments. Note also that
the parameter list on a subroutine call is treated just like
a DC constant list[-][-]in particular, literals are barred in
sub-expressions in both cases.

 PAGE8 does not recognize any I/O instructions other than
IOT and IOS. Unlike PAL8, PAGE8 syntax follows the actual
architecture of the PDP[-]8 I/O instructions: the operand field
contains a 6[-]bit device address followed by a 3[-]bit device
instruction field. In this way the device address can be
equated symbolically and easily changed. The device instruction
field is always constant for a particular device. For example,
the instruction 'KSF' of PAL8 would be coded in PAGE8 as:
'IOS 3,1' and the instruction 'TLS' as 'IOT 4,6'. Note
that IOT is used for non-skip I/O instructions while IOS must
be used for skip I/O instruction. This distginction is required
to avoid bad page breaks. If the programmer prefers the standard
PAL8 syntax, macros may be written to allow compatibility.
 [1]  ISZ and INC

 PAGE8 allows a distinction to be made in connection with
the use of the ISZ instruction.
When an ISZ instruction is being used purely for the purpose
of incrementing a memory location, and there is no possibility
(or no intended possibility!) of its skipping, it is desirable
to inform PAGE8 of this fact. When paging the source, PAGE8
treats ISZ specially since the fact that it might skip requires
that there be room to assemble the following instruction.
Otherwise, if the ISZ were followed with the page escape,
the program could skip into the literal pool if the ISZ
instruction skipped. Using INC forms PAGE8 that the
instruction will not skip and it would therefore be quite
legal to follow the INC with the page escape jump instruction.
Consider the example below which occurs frequently at the
end of a program loop:

	INC	PTR		Step pointer to data
	ISZ	CNTR		Step loop counter, test for end
	JMP	LOOP		Loop back for more to do

 In this case, a page break after the 'INC[ ]PTR' would be
perfectly all right. If an 'ISZ' was used instead (preceded
with a ROOM directive to avoid unprotected multiple skip
instructions) the page break might unnecessarily occur in
front of the first instruction above. Note that the use of
INC is not required[-][-]it merely allows PAGE8 to do an optimal
job of the page packing.

 [1]  Operate Instructions

 PAGE8 recognizes all the standard PDP[-]8 operate instructions.
In addition, PAGE8 recognizes a `pseudo-instruction': LDI for
`load immediate'. The operand field is evaluated and PAGE8
supplies the appropriate microcoded operate instruction.
The following values are allowed in the operand field (note
that 64 is only possible with the PDP[-]8/e BSW instruction):

	1  2  3  4  6  -1  -2  -3  64  1024  2047  2048  3171  3172
 [1]  Subroutines in PAGE8

 Because of the special problems of automatic paging
and the PDP[-]8 addressing architecture, special directives are
used to facilitate subroutine entry and exits. The SUB
directive generates an indirect jump instruction followed by
the actual cell for the entry point. If an off-page exit
is needed, the RET directive will generate an indirect JMP
through a paging link to the first JMP instruction generated
by the SUB directive. If the entry point is on the same page
as the RET directive, RET generates an indirect JMP through
the actual entry point to the subroutine.

 The example below should clarify the use of SUB and RET

	PAGE8 Instruction	Generated Object Code
	-----------------	---------------------
    PROCESS  SUB  (expr)		JMPI  *+1
				PROCESS	DC  (expr)

	     RET  PROCESS		JMPI  PROCESS  (On-page)
    CALC     SUB			JMPI  *+1

	     RET  CALC			JMPI  =CALC-1  (Off-page)

 Note that SUB can take an optional expression to be generated
at the entry point. If none is supplied, PAGE8 assembles a HLT
instruction instead.

 PAGE8 keeps track of whether there has been a destructive
reference to the entry point of a subroutine in order to catch
unprotected calls. A destructive reference (such as ISZ, etc.)
indicates that the subroutine either has an argument list, or
may have several different return points. If so, and the
parameters are not in line (as a constant list), PAGE8 insists
that the JMS(X) be protected with a ROOM directive (although
PAGE8 cannot check that the correct number of statements is
being protected).
 Occasionally, however, the destructive reference may not
actually indicate that the subroutine call has to be protected.
A very typical case would occur with the initialization
of co-routine entry points. Advantage can be taken of the fact
that PAGE8 checks for an offset in the operand field of the
destructive instruction but does not check the value of that
offset. If there is an offset to the subroutine address, PAGE8
reasonably assumes that the reference does not involve the
actual entry point to the subroutine. This fact provides a
simple way of avoiding the check for a protected call to the
subroutine[-][-]simply by appending +0 to the reference. For
example, when initializing the entry point to a coroutine
with a DCA instruction, the following statement could be used:


 PAGE8 will not consider the above statement to be a
destructive reference to the PROCESS subroutine.
 [1]  PAGE8 List Output Format

 The assembled list output from PAGE8 includes the FILE
and TITLE text strings at the head of each page. On a typical
source statement, the first numeric field is the three part
line number. The first number is the current input file
number (0[-]9). The second number is the `page' number as
delimited by form feed characters generated byh the editor
program (ICE, TECO, EDIT). If no form feed characters are
present in the input sourcd program, a `page' is considered
to consist of 999 lines. The third number is the line number
within that page.

 The second numeric field is the full 5 digit address field.
If relocation is in effect, an asterisk will be lposted after
this field. The third field contains the assembled object code.

 On the dump of the literal pool (current page or page zero),
a fourth numeric field appears which contains the current/zero
page literal reference count. Note that this field is in the_
current output radix (octal or hexadecimal) and not in decimal.
When patching entries in the literal pool, this field makes
it easy to avoid patching a literal which is referenced elsewhere
on the lpage possibly for a different purpose (it might
also be used as a paging link, for example).

 Page zero literals are dumped whenever a FIELD or END
directive is encountered, or when the end of the last input
field is reached. In an ISEC area, the last assembled instruction
on each PDP[-]8 page is a 5777 (octal) which provides the escape
to the first location in the next page (or next available page
if the next page falls in an object gap and the current program
sections lies in ISEC 0).
 Error flags and warnings are posted between the three part
line number and the address field. Up to four flags may be
posted. There may be more than four erors in a statement, but
only the first four erors or warnings cause flags to be posted.

 In the case of a QUT statement, where the operand field
actually contains a 15[-]bit address field, the full 15[-]
address appears in the object field as a 5 digit octal number.
 [1]  Cross Reference Directory

 At the end of pass 3, PAGE8 chains to the HPSORT program
in order to process the cross-reference directory. A temporary
file called CROSS.TM is built during pass 3 by PAGE8. CROSS.TM
contains all the raw cross-reference information. HPSORT
processes this file and sorts it. CROSS.TM is deleted by
HPSORT just before returning to the OS/8 Keyboard Monitor.

 Following the program assembly statistics (total source
statement count, number of symbols, core used, etc.), the
cross-reference lists for all errors and warnings (if any)
are printged. Following this is the cross-reference directory
of all symbols defined in the program.

 The first field after the symbol name is present only if
the symbol was defined as an address (either as a label on
a statement or defined via a QUT directive). In this case, a
single digit identifies the memory field address of the symbol.
This field will be left blank for symbols defined via SEDT,

 The second field contains the 12[-]bit value of the symbol
unless the symbol was a macro (in which case the field is
blank). The third field contains a single letter identifying
the type of symbol:

	A	Address (defined as a label or via QUT)
 If the /F option was used (or if PAGE8 ran out of room
for the CROSS.TM file and forced /F on), the fourth field
is the reference count for that symbol. lOtherwise, the
remaining fields contain the cross-reference directory of
all references to that symbol. The first cross reference
field is always the lpoint at which the symbol was defined.
The remaining field contains all the references to that
symbol in order of appearance in the source program. After
the three-part file/page/line number for the reference,
various flags are lposted to further idedntify the type
of reference.

 In the case of cross-reference lists for errors or
warnings, the actual error or warning flag is posted after
the hyphen. For symbols, the following flags are used:

	D	Destructive memory reference
	N	Non-destructive memory reference
	I	IOT or operate instruction reference
	A	Assembler directive reference
	=	Literal reference (current or zero page)
	%	Memory field reference or definition reference

 A small help file to remind the programmer of the meaning
of these flags may be obtained by issuing a direct RUN command on
the HPSORT program.

 Local symbols, symbols beginning with a colon and macros
that do not begin with a period are all inhibited from
appearing in the cross-reference directory (although they
are included in the total symbol count).

 In the evednt that only reference counts are being supplied,
there will be a digit from 1 to 7 where 7 indicates that there
were 7 or more references to that symbol. A count of 1 indicates
that the symbol was defined but never referenced.

 This feature of automatically switching to the third output
file (if the second output file overflows) is in PAGE8, but
not HPSORT. However, if PAGE8 has already moved to the third
output file, HPSORT will generate the cross-reference file
on the third output device.

 If HPSORT.xx is not found on the system device at the
start of the assembly, the message: `NO HPSORT.xx' will
appear on the console prior to the start of pass one.
 [1]  Indirect Run-Time Reference Operator

 By preceding a symbol with the `&' unary operator, PAGE8
will return as the value of that symbol the current contents
of the memory location addressed by the symbol. The addressed
memory location has nothing to do with the program being
assembled. Before describing this feature further, the
following example should be examined:

 DATE	QUT	1,07666		`DATE' has address of OS/8 date word
 CDATE	EQU	&DATE		`CDATE' now has value of date word

 Following the execution of these two statements, the symbol
`CDATE' has the actual value of the OS/8 date word since it
was equated to the contents of memory location 17666 (octal).

 This feature provides extraordinary capabilities to the
programmer. For example, a macro can be written to take the
binary date word and convert it into an ASCII text string.
The text string could lthen be used in the program as a message.
With this a program could not only print out a version number
but also print out the precise date on which the progrm was
last assembled.

 Another very useful way of utilizing this feature is to
gain access to the OS/8 Command Decoder tables to look at
the run-time switches that were set for running PAGE8.
In the example below, a program implements a run-time switch
that is not used by PAGE8 (/B) for the purpose of stripping
out some conditional code. If the /B switch is specified, the
code is not assembled; if the /B switch is not used, the code
is assembled:

 SWIT0	QUT	1,07643		A-L switches in Decoder tables
	AIF	&SWIT0.AN.02000,.SKIP	Skip if /B set
	...	.....
	...	.....		This code assembled if /B not set
	...	.....
 .SKIP	ANOP			Assembly continues in any event

 The second statement isolates bit 1 of the contents of location
07643 (octal) which will be set if /B was used. If set, the expression
is true and the assembly branch will be taken.
 [1]  PAGE8 Macro Processor

 This section describes all of the features of the macro
processor. In the following documentation it is assumed that
the programmer is reasonably familiar with the concept of

 The MACRO directive and associated definition may only
appear at certain points in a PAGE8 source program. In all
cases, the macro definition must, of course, precede the
first invocation of the macro. Any macro calls made prior
to the macro definition will be treated as undefined operation
codes and the O error flag will be posted. In general,
macros should appear in the following positions in the source

	1.  Before the end of page zero in any memory field.
	2.  In any DSEC area.
	3.  In any memory page prior to generation of any links
or literals.

 There are also some highly obscure, additional internal
restrictions on the third item, so that to be safe, a macro in
this position should be defined after an ALIGN directive or ORG
directive to the start of a memory page. If a macro definition
appears at an illegal point in the program, the M error flag
will be posted and the MACRO directive ignored.

 The example below shows typical syntax for a PAGE8 macro:

	MACRO				Signal that definition follows
	LOOP	<ADDR><COUNT=CNT>	Prototype header statement
 <>	ISZ	<COUNT>			Test loop counter
	JMP	<ADDR>			Loop back if non-zero
	MEND				End of macro definition

 The above macro provides a `LOOP' instruction that tests
a loop counter (defaulted to `CNT' if no argument is supplied)
and if it is non-zero, jumps back to the address specified in
the argument.
 The first statement of a macro definition must be the
MACRO directive. Any operand field to the directive is treated
as part of the comment field. THe only type of label permitted
is an assembly sequence symbol. In all macro definitions,
many of the errors are only posted in pass 1, so the pass 1
error count must be examined carefully before concluding that
there are no assembly errors.

 The second statement is the prototype header statement.
No label of any kind is permitted on this statement (not
even sequence symbols). The dummy macro arguments (up to as
many as will fit on the line) are all enclosed in angle
brackets. The arguments must be contiguous[-][-]separating
blanks or commas are not allowed. Note that this latter
rule is different from the specification of arguments in
the actual call to the macro (to be described later).

 The dummy macro argument names must be unique within a
single definition or a D error flag will be lposted for the
duplicate definition. The dummy macro arguments are defined
only within the macro definition: no confusion is caused should
they happen to have the same name as symbols that have already
been defined in the program. In the example on the previous
page, it makes no difference if a symbol already exists
whose name is `ADDR'. Dummy macro argument names should
comprise standard PAGE8 symbols. Dummy arguments are encoded
in a special form within the macro tables, so that the length
of the dummy macro artument name has no affect at all on the
amount of symbol table space used to store the macro definition.

 The user-defined macro name must be unique. It may not
duplicate any prevcious macro name, standard PAGE8 operation code
(unless previously removed with the UNLINK directive), or user-defined
symbol. For this reason, and to avoid conflicts, user-defined
macros usually (but not necessarily) have a period as the
first character of the macro name. Also, if the macro
does not begin with a period (as is the case in the example above)
the macro name will not be listed in the cross reference
    [2]  Default Macro Arguments

 Default arguments are indicated by an equals sign following
the dummy argument name. After the equals sign, a test string
can be supplied as a default value to be substituted. If a
macro call fails to supply an argument in this position, the
default argument is supplied by PAGE8 whenever that particular
dummy artument appears in a body statement. In the default
text string, any characters may appear except the angle brackets.
Consider the two calls below to the macro that was defined

	Macro Call		Macro Expansion
	----------		---------------

	-----------------	-------------------

 In the second case, PAGE8 supplies a default for the missing
second argument of the text string: `CNT'.

    [2]  Macro Body Statements

 In the body of the macro definition, any number of statements
may appear. Dummy artuments must always appear enclosed within
angle brackets. If the angle brackets are missing, PAGE8
will not treat the symbol as a dummy argument.

 Two special characters must not appear in macro body statements:
the up-arrow (ASCII 236 (octal)) and the left-arrow or underline
(ASCII 237 (octal)). These two characters are used for the internal
representation of a tab and an end[-]of[-]line.
    [2]  Symbolic Concatenation

 Due to the syntax of PAGE8 macro definitions, symbolic
concatenation of dummy arguments requires no special feature
or operator. Consider the example below where a symbolic
reference is dependent on the macro call to supply the last
part of the full symbolic name:

	Macro Call			Macro Definition
	----------			----------------
    -----------------------		TAD	MAC<ENDNAME>
	Macro Expansion			MEND

    [2]  Comment Fields in Macro Definitions

 Comment fields should be used freely in macro definitions
to aid in the documentation of the source program. Normally
comments need not be stored in the macro tables and for this
reason, a semicolon is generally used to indicate the start
of a comment field in a macro definition. When a semicolon is
seen, all preceding blanks and tabs back to the most recent
character other than a blank or tab are stripped.

 If the semicolon is omitted, the comment field will be
stored in the macro tables and will be seen in the macro expansion
if a LISTM directive is in effect. This feature can be useful
for documentation purposes or for debugging complex macros.

 Comment statements, signalled by an asterisk or slash in
column 1 of the statement, are always stripped out of macro
definitions and not stored in the macro table.

 Multiple tab characters are stored as a single tab character
in the macro tables. Two or more blanks are automatically
converted to a tabl. lThis ensures that the expanded source, if
listed, appears at the normal tab lpositions on the line (PAGE8
sets tabs at every 8th character position on a line).
    [2]  Label Field

 The following information describes a requirement of PAGE8
that is not a standard feature of most macro processors.
Because of the automatic source paging and the need to generate
page escapes over literal pools, labels cannot be evaluated
in PAGE8 until the object code for the associated operation
code has been generated. For this reason a label on a macro
call cannot be blindly assigned to the value of the current
location counter (as would be the case with a non-paging
assembler). In PAGE8 macros, the label is passed as a hidden
parameter to the macro and the macro definition indicates
where the label is to be placed by a left angle bracket
followed immediately by a right angle bracket in the label
field of the body statement. For example, the call to the
previously defined macro `LOOP':


 would cause the following expansion to be generated:

		JMP	1B

 The label field on the macro call can thus be placed on any
body statement who directive permits a label. The label on
the macro call can also appear on more than one body statement.
This would be legal if the macro used the label on SET or MSCAN
directives or if the symbol being passed was a local symbol.

 If the macro definition does not include an indication of
where the label should appear, an attempt to call that macro
with a label will result in the S error flag's being posted.

 The label field indication in the macro definition must appear
in column 1 of the statement. The only exception
involves the special macro call list indicator character (an
exclamation point (!)) described below.
    [2]  Macro Call Listing

 Normally, the macro call statement is listed as the first
statement of the macro expansion. Under some conditions,
however, this could cause the macro call to be lost. For
example, if the macro begins with a NOLIST directive, the
macro call would not appear since the statement will not be
listed. To avoid this problem there is a feature to specify
on which statement the macro call is to be listed. This is done
by placing an exclamation mark (!) character as the first
character on the line
which contains the body statement to be used for the listing.

 The ! character is considered to precede column 1 on the
statement and does not therefore prohibit placement of any
kind of label on that statement. As a clarification of this
feature, consider the following macro which precisely
describes the PAGE8 SUB directive and the manner in which
the SUB directive is listed:

	SUB	<ARG=07402>	; If no argument, use HLT
	ROOM	2		; ensure contiguous room on page
	JMPI	*+1		; for off-page return
 !<>	DC	<ARG>		; generate entry point & list it

 If a LISTM condition is in effect, all the source statements
of the macro expansion are listed. lThe call to the
macro is then listed before the expansion of the first line
of the macro. In nexted macros, only the call to the
first macro is listed.
    [2]  Backwards Assembly Branches in a Macro

 Both the AIF and AGO directives are permitted in a macro.
When an AGO or AIF (with an expression that is true) is found
within a macro, PAGE8 turns the assembly off and begins
the scan for the matching sequence symbol at the START of
the macro and not at the current line. As a result, backwards
assembly branches are possible allowing iterative loops to
be set up. Note that within a macro definition, all sequence
symbols must be unique for this feature to work properly.
The following macro will set up a table in which the length,
starting value, and incrfment value to be added to each
subsequent entry are supplied in the macro call.

 T	SET	<LENGTH>	; Set loop count to length
 V	SET	<START>		; Establish starting value
 .LOOP	DC	V		; Generate value (loop here)
 V	SET	V+<INDEX>	; Increase value by index
 T	SET	T-1		; Decrement loop counter

 In coding backwards assembly branches, it should be
remembered that the start of the loop should be as close
as possible to the start of the macro in order to gain
speed. If there is extensive initialization to be performed
prior to the loop, it may be more efficient to use an AGO
directive to skip over the loop and do the initialization
after the loop.
    [2]  Indirect, Numeric Argument Replacement

 A PAGE8 symbol in a macro expansion can be replaced
indirectly by a numeric texgt string that represents the current
value of that symbol. The indirect argument replacement is
signified by preceding the symbol with a backslash (\) character.
The numeric text string will be a 4 digit octal number (or 3
digit hexadecimal number if the /H run-time option is in effect).
This operator may not appear in front of a dummy argument.
Should this be required, the dummy argument can be used in
the operand field of a SET directive, and the label used
in subsequent statements with the backslash operator.

 The following examples should clarify the use of this
feature. Every time the first macro is invoked, the symbolic
argument is stored as a constant. At the same time, a special
`symbol' table is built up which contains the addresses of
each call to the macro. The second macro would be called later
on to generate a table of all the addresses that were saved
by the first macro.

	.SAVE	<CON>		; Argument is some constant
 CT	SET	CT+1		; Index numeric part of name
 T\CT	DC	<CON>		; Generate constant and symbol

	MACRO			This macro generates the table
 CT	SET	1		; Reinitialize numeric part
 .LOOP	DC	T\CT		; Generate address of entry
 CT	SET	CT+1		; Increment numeric part
	AIF	?T\CT,.LOOP	; Stop when no more defined
	DC	0		; Attach sentinel of zero

 Note also the use of the definition operator to find out
how many symbols we actually generated. The symbols generated
have names of T0001, T0002, T0003, T0004, ...etc. The symbol
that follows the `\' operator must have been defined in
a prior source statement; otherwise the Q error flag is
posted for an illegal forward reference.
    [2]  Indirect, Symbolic Replacement

 A PAGE8 symbol in a macro expansion can be replaced
indirectly by a single letter that represents the ASCII
code contained in the low order 8 bits of the value of
the symbol. This is specified by preceding the symbol with
an opening square bracket ([[]). As with the backslash
operator, the symbol must have been previously defined
and may not be a dummy argument. This feature is generally
used to reconstruct symbolic names or tgext strings from
numeric arguments.

 The following example should clarify the use of this
feature. This macro takes a single argument and converts
it to two characters (treating the argument as a packed,
6[-]bit representation of two alphabetic characters) to
appear in a text message.

 T	SET	<ARG>		; Set standard symbol to dummy arg
 T1	SET	((T.AN.07700).RS.6)+0300  ; 8[-]bit value of left
 T2	SET	(T.AN.077)+0300	; 8[-]bit value of right half

 Note that in some sense the `[[]' operator is the "reverse" of
the single ASCII constant operator. For example, if the value
of the symbol TEMP is 316 (octal), both statements below result
in the generation of the value 316 (octal):

	DC	'[[]TEMP
    [2]  Nesting of Macros

 Macros may be nested to a level of three. Attempting to call
a macro trhat would increase the nesting depth to four is an error
and will cause the M flag to be posted on the offending
macro call. The macro call would not be processed. A macro
may call itself recursively as long as the nexting level
limit is not exceeded.

    [2]  Macro Calling Sequences

 A typical macro call includes an optional label, the macro
name in the operation code field, any number of real arguments
in the operand field and a comment field.

 The label field is passed as a "hidden" argument to the macro
and will be substituted in any label field of the
macro body which contains the lpaired angle brackets.

 Macro arguments are of two types: simple and extended. A
simple argument consists of a string of characters which
do not contain a blank, comma or angle brackets. Angle brackets
must not appear in a simple argument. An extended argument
may contain commas and blanks since the whole argument string
is enclosed in angle brackets. All arguments (simple or extended)
must be separated with commas. The extended argument
form is provided primarily to allow nested arguments and to
handle cases where a comma or blank need to be passed as
arguments. Consider these examples:

	NEST	<<<ARG,$>>>

 In the third case, a macro call with simple arguments is
itself passed as an argument to another macro. In the fourth
case, two arguments are presumably being passed down directly
to a macro that is called by another macro that itself is
called within the 'NEST' macro. At each nesting level in
the macro expansions, the outermost pair of angle brackets
associated with that level will be stripped off.
 As another example, consider the following macro which
repeats some source statement a specified number of times:

 CT	SET	<COUNT>		; Set loop counter
 .LOOP	<STATEMENT>		; Generate the statement
 CT	SET	CT-1		; Decrement loop counter
	AIF	CT,.LOOP	; Back if more to do

 This macro could then be called to generate 256 statements
of the form: `ISZ[ ]COUNT' with the this call:


    [2]  Null Arguments

 A null argument within the middle of a set of arguments
is indicated by two consecutive commas. If the macro definition
has supplied no default argument in that position, a null
string is substituted for the dummy macrro argument and the
# error flag will be posted for the missing argument. If a
default was provided in the macro definition, the default
argument will replace the dummy argument in that position.

 In the example below, the third argument in the macro call
is null:


    [2]  Macro Libraries

 The usual way to handle macro libraries is to have a source
file containing the macro definitions assembled in front of
other source files. If only selective portions are required,
a file of requests (consisting of equate statements) can be
inserted in front of the macro library. The macro library can
then make use of the question-mark definition operator and
conditional assembly branches to skip macro definitions that
are not required.
    [2]  Local Macro Symbols

 Within a macro it may be necessary to generate unique
address labels on each invocation of the macro. In order to
prevent duplicate tag errors, local macro symbols are used.
Although normal local symbols could be used, serious program
errors could arise if a calling routine was unaware that
a particular local symbol appeared in some macro that was
being called. To avoid this difficulty, PAGE8 reserves a
set of special local symbols for each of the three nesting
levels. A macro, local symbol is identical to a normal local
prefixed that a $ character:

	JMP	$2F
 $2H	JMP	$7B
	...	....

 Local macro symbols are illegal outside of a macro. Should
one be used, PAGE8 posts the M error flag and uses a normal
local symbol instead. Local macro symbols are only defined at
the current nesting level. Consider the following macro that
calls the macro above:

	TAD	$2F

 In this case the $2H tag in .EXAMP2 is not confused with the
$2H tag in .EXAMP1 because they appear at different nesting
levels. Also, the PART directive may be used inside a macro
in which case only local macro symbols at that nesting level
are partitioned.
    [2]  Character String Processing

 The AREAD and MSCAN directives provide PAGE8 with a
powerful character string processing capability. When an
AREAD directive is encountered, PAGE8 reads in the next source
statement and treats it as the first argument to the macro.
The first character in the first argument will comprise
the character in column 1 of the statement that was read in
by the AREAD directive.

 In conjunction with AREAD, the MSCAN directive makes it
possible to examine each character in the argument one by
one and process them accordingly. MSCAN can also be used
on normal arguments thus providing a way of finding out what
type of argument has been supplied to the macro. For example,
a macro could be defined called `OS8TXT' that would take an
argument just like the standard PAGE8 `TEXT' directive. The
OS8TXT macro could then use the MSCAN cirective to save the
delimiting character and pick off the characters in the string
one by one. OS8TXT could then use these characters to pack
up a message buffer in the special format required for OS/8
ASCII files.
 [1]  PAGE8 Directives

    [2]  AFIELD	(Expression)

	Label:		Blank or sequence symbol
	Operation:	AFIELD
	Operand:	Any expression with a value between 0 and 7
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Assembly data FIELD setting.
				-             -----

 This directive specifies the actual run-time data field
which will be in effect for subsequent instructions. This
information is used by PAGE8 to resolve some of the complex
field addressing errors that can appear in a program that is
frequently referencing data fields otheer than the current
instruction field. Also, the TADX, ANDX, INCX and DCAX
instructions cause an automatic CDF instruction back to the
field set by the most recent AFIELD directive. If no AFIELD
directive has been issued, PAGE8 sets a continuously updated
default of the current assembly field.

 Judicious use of the AFIELD directive can ensure that certain
types of addressing errors will always be caught by PAGE8.
For example, if PAGE8 is forced to generate a paging link for
a memory reference instruction, the current run-time assembly
data field is checked. If this field differs from the current
field, PAGE8 knows that the referenced location cannot be
accessed correctly and will consequently post the K error flag.

 To facilitate field tracing, a macro can be written to
force PAGE8 to change the AFIELD setting whenever a CDF
instruction is executed:

	UNLINK	CDF		Remove CDF from op-code tables
	MACRO			Now redefine meaning of CDF
	CDF	<FIELD>		; Argument is 3-bit field
	LINK	CDF		; recollect CDF definition
 !<>	CDF	<FIELD>		; list & execute CDF with label
	UNLINK	CDF		; reset `trap' for CDF op-code
	AFIELD	<FIELD>		; execute implicit AFIELD
	MSKIP			; allow skip instruction to precede

    [2]  AGO	(Sequence Symbol)

	Label:		Blank or sequence symbol
	Operation:	AGO
	Operand:	Sequence Symbol
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Assembler GO.
				-         --

 Unconditional assembly branch. The operand field should
contain a sequence symbol to which assembly unconditionally
branches. All intervening instructions are not assembled.
In a macro, PAGE8 will begin the search for the matching
sequence symbol at the BEGINNING of the macro, so that a
backwards assembly branch is allowed. For this feature to
work correctly, it is important that all sequence symbols
within a single macro definition be unique, since the scan
always begins from the first macro body statement. If not in
a macro, the sequence symbol must appear in a subsequent
statement. The AGO directive is not listed unless a prior
LISTC directive is in effect.

    [2]  AIF	(Expression),(Sequence Symbol)

	Label:		Blank or sequence symbol
	Operation:	AIF
	Operand:	Any expression followed by a sequence symbol
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Assembler IF.
				-	  --

 Conditional assembly branch. The expression in the operand
field is evaluated. If it has a non-zero value (i.e. TRUE),
the assembly branch will be taken as if an AGO directive
had been issued to the specified sequence symbol. If the
expression has a zero value (i.e. FALSE), the assembly
branch is not taken and the AIF directive functions as an
ANOP directive. As with the AGO directive, backwards assembly
branches are permitted within macros.

 If the expression in the operand field was false, the AIF
statement is listed. If the expression was true and the assembly
branch taken, the AIF statement is not listed unless a
LISTC directive is in effect.

    [2]  ALIGN

	Label:		Blank or sequence symbol
	Operation:	ALIGN
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	ALIGN to start of next memory page.

 Unconditional page alignment. When encountered, PAGE8
will force alignment to the start of the next PDP[-]8 memory
page. This directive is similar in function to the PAGE
directive of the PAL8 assembler although it rarely appears
in PAGE8 programs. The current page literal pool is output
and a page escape is generated in the normal manner.

 If the next page has been marked as unavailable by a prior
GAP directive and if the current program section is in ISEC[ ]0,
PAGE8 will align to the start of the next available page in
that memory field and adjust the linkage in the page escape.
If there are no further available pages, the K error flag
is posted and assembly continues at location 0000 in the
next memory field.

    [2]  ANOP

	Label:		Blank or sequence symbol
	Operation:	ANOP
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Assembly NO-oP.
				-	 --  -

 This directive has no function other than
to service as a target operation code for a sequence symbol
in the label field. This is generally used in conjunction
with the AGO and AIF directives. No object code is generated
by this directive.

 The ANOP directive can also be used to separate operation
codes which might generate some unwanted error flag if they
occurred as consecutive statements. For example, it is illegal
to have two consecutive TEXT directives in an ISEC area due
to the possibility of a semantic error (viz. an unexpected
and undesirable page break could occur between the two text
strings). In this case, the restriction can be easily overcome
by simply inserting an ANOP statement between the two
TEXT directives.

    [2]  AREAD

	Label:		Blank or sequence symbol
	Operation:	AREAD
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Assembly READ.
				-	 ----

 This is a macro directive which causes
PAGE8 to read in the next source statement as a single,
extended argument to the current macro that is being
expanded. All characters of the following statement are
read in and can then be processed by the macro. This directive
is generally used in conjunction with the MSCAN directive in
order to provide PAGE8 with a complete character string processing
capability. The statement to be read does not have to be a
PAGE8 statement[-][-]it can have any syntax or form since the
statement would only be interpreted by the macro that issued
the AREAD directive.

 The example below may help to clarify the use of this
directive. This macro is passed an argument indicating the
number of folowing source statements that comprise a single
block of text:

	.TBLOK	<ARG>		; Argument is # of statements
 COUNT	SET	<ARG>		; Set up loop counter
 .LOOP	AREAD			; Read next source statement
	TEXT	/<ARG>/		; `ARG' contains statement
 COUNT	SET	COUNT-1		; Decrement loop counter
	AIF	COUNT,.LOOP	; Loop back if more
	MEND			; Else all done
 *	Example of a call to the above macro
	.TBLOK	3		Three source statements
 ----------THIS IS THE FINAL STATEMENT----------
 *	Normal PAGE8 statements continue now

    [2]  AS	(Expression),(Expression)

	Label:		Syymbol, sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	AS
	Operand:	An expression, followied by an optional expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Allocate Storage.
				-	 -

 The AS directive provides a convenient
method of allocating large blocks of storage in a program.
The expression in the operand field is evaluated and treated
as the length of a block of storage that should be
reserved starting at the current location. In an ISEC area,
if there is no room on the current PDP[-]8 page, the block will
be aligned to the start of the next page. If there is a label
field, the label will refer to the address of the first location
in the block. All locations in the block will be set to the
value of the second expression. If the second expression is
omitted, a default value of zero is used to fill the block.

 The first expression must contain only previously defined
symbols. This restriction does not apply to the optional
second expression. A large storage block will not be broken
up to skip over pages marked as unavailable because of a
prior GAP directive. The block will, however, not start at
the beginning of an object gap.

 The example below will generate a block of 128 words
where each word will contain the value -1:

 TABLE	AS	128,-1		Entire table set to -1

    [2]  BYTE	(Expression),(Expression)

	Label:		Symbol, sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	BYTE
	Operand:	Two expressions each in the range 0-63 (decimal)
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	BYTE constant.

 The operand to the BYTE directive must be
two 6[-]bit expressions separated by a comma. The first
expression goes in the left byte (i.e. left 6 bits of the
word) and the second expression in the right byte. If
either expression is larger than 63 (decimal), the T error
flag will be posted to indicate a truncate error and the value
for that expression will be truncated to 6 bits.

 In the example below, the BYTE directive is used to
implement a translate table where the right byte contains
the translated value and the left byte contains control
and status flags:


    [2]  CREF

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	CREF
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	accumulate Cross REFerences.
					   -	 ---

 The CREF directive allows the accumulation of cross-
references to symbols to resume immediately. If no
prior NOCREF directive was in force, the CREF directive
has no effect and functions as an ANOP directive.

 The CREF and NOCREF directives are often encountered
in macro definitions that incorporate loops. Such macros
can genedrate extraordinary quantities of cross-references
that may be of no use or significance to the programmer.

    [2]  DC	(Expression),(Expression),(Expression),...

	Label:		Symbol, sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	DC (optional)
	Operand:	An expression followed by optional sub-expressions
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Define Constant.
				-      -

 The DC directive provides a convenient was of
specifying single constants or multiple constant
lists. The first expression in the operand field is evaluated
and stored at the current location. This first expression
may be a literal. Optional multiple expression separated by
commas are allow to follow and will be stored in
successive locations. These sub-expressions may not contain

 A label, if present, will always refer to the address of the
first constant in the string. Multiple expressions are
guaranteed to stay together as a unit[-][-]a page break cannot
occur within the list of constants.

 Pagination recalculations are not performed on any expressions
in the string. Also, all expressions are evaluated prior
to generation of any object code, so that references to the
current assembly location counter lin a sub-expression will
reference the address of the first constant rather than the
address of the constant that contains the reference.

 Note that the use of `DC' in the operation code field
is optional. PAGE8 first tests the operation code field for
a standard PAGE8 operation code. If this failes, PAGE8 tests
to see if it is a macrfo. If it is not a macro, PAGE8 defaults
the operation code to `DC' and then rescans the operation code
field as an operand field to `DC'. The two statements below
are equivalent in PAGE8:

 TAG	DC	4*3+(TEMP/14)
 TAG	4*3+(TEMP/14)

    [2]  DI	(Expression)

	Label:		Symbol, sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	DI
	Operand:	Any valid expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Define Instruction constant.
				-      -

 This directive is essentially
identical to the DC directive. It is provided merely for
syntactic clarity in the source program and indicates that
the constant in the operand field is an instruction to be
executed rather than data. For instruction constants that
may cause a skip, see the definition of the DSI diredctive.

    [2]  DSEC

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	DSEC
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Data SECtion.
				-    ---

 This directive indicates that all the following
statements comprise a data section in the program. Genration
of automatic page escapes is inhibited and no pagination
recalculations will be performed. When this directive is
encountered, PAGE8 will perform a page alignment and output
the current page literal pool only if some paging links or
literals have been generated on the current memory page.
Otherwise no page alignment will occur. The DSEC directive
has no effect on the current ISEC area. DSEC is essentially
a sub-section of an ISEC area.

 Instructions used in a DSEC area will be processed correctly.
However, all paging links and literals will be forced into
the page zero literal pool rather than the current page literal
pool. This occurs even if the explicit current page literal
operator (=) is used in the operand field. This feature can
be very useful when space is at an absolute premium, since
sharing of all literals and links on page zero increases the
packing density of the program.

    [2]  DSI	(Expression)

	Label:		Symbol, sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	DSI
	Operand:	Any valid expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Define Skip Instruction constant.
				-      -    -

 This directive is
essentially identical to the DI directive. The difference
lies in the fact that DSI informs PAGE8 that the instruction
constant to be assembled may cause a skip when it is executed.
This information is needed by PAGE8 to ensure that a page
break does not occur immediately after this instruction.
If there is not enough room on the current page to hold
the following instruction, PAGE8 will force a page alighment
and assemble the instruction on the next available page.

 The example below shows a very common usage of the
DSI instruction. Note that using DC instead of DSI could
result in a bad page break in some future assembly.

 SWITCH	DSI	07000		NOP now, may be a skip later on

    [2]  EJECT	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	EJECT
	Operand:	Blank or an optional expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	EJECT page.

 PAGE8 performs an explicit page eject on
the output device before listing the following statement.
The EJECT directive is not listed.

 If the operand field contains an expression, the EJECTG
directive becomes conditional: a page eject wsill only occur
if the curfrent line lies within the specified number of
lines of the bottom of the page. This conditional form of
the directive can be very useful in obtaining clean, readable
listings of the source program. Note also that through the
use of the equals (=) run-time option, all unconditional page ejects
can be forced to be conditional to a specific value.

 In the example below, a condition EJECT directive is
used to ensure that the description of a subroutine does
not get separated from the entry to the subroutine:

	EJECT	10		Do an eject if less than 10 lines left
*	The calling convention for this subroutine........

    [2]  END

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	END
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	END of source program.
 This directive signifies that
assembly should terminate with this statement. Use of this
directive is optional. If PAGE8 reaches the end-of-file in
the last sourced file, PAGE8 will terminate the assembly pass
normally as if an END directive had been elxplicitly issued.

 The primary use of this directive is for conditional
assemblies where it may be desirable to mark the end of
the program without having to include an assembly branch over
any remaining source statements.

    [2]  (Symbol) EQU	(Expression)

	Label:		Symbol
	Operation:	EQU
	Operand:	Any valid expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	EQUate symbol.

 The symbol in the label field is equated
to the value of the expression in the operand field. As with the
QUT directive, any attempts to redefine the symbol with
a difference value will be treated as an error (the SET
directive should be used lif redefinition is required).

 Note that EQU is not generally used for equating symbolic
addresses[-][-]the QUT directive is used for that purpose.
However, if symbolic addresses are defined with the EQU directive,
any references to that symbol will be assumed to be in the
current memory field. This feature can be useful on occasion.
For example, it may be desirable to equate the addresses of
some cells which are present at the same relative location
within each memory field (viz. general gemporary or "garbage"
cells). Such symbols can then be referenced in any memory
field without generation of a K field addressing error.

 The operand field may not contain any symbols which are
defined at a later point in the source program. Should lthis
occur, the Q error flag will be posted and the expression
will always have a value of zero. Illegal forward references
do not cause assembly phase errors in PAGE8.

    [2]  ERM

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	ERM
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	End RooM check.
				-   -  -

 This directive is used in conjunction with
the ROOM directive. If the statement lies outside of the
protected range set by a ROOM directive, the square bracket
error flag (illegal unprotected statement) will be posted.
If protected, the ERM directive functions like an ANOP

 The ERM directive is useful when it becomes necessary to
protect a large number of statements. Because of the complex
nature of the ROOM directive and the necessary prohibition
of future references, it is not always easy to tell how
large the operand to the ROOM directive should be until an
assembly listing is generated. The ERM directive provides
a convenient way of ensuring that the ROOM directive preceding
this statement does indeed protect the necessary number of
statements against a page break.

    [2]  ERROR:	(User-defined error message)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	ERROR:
	Operand:	User-defined text for an error message
	Comment:	Continuation of the operand field

	Mnemonic definition:	ERROR message.

 This directive makes it possible to signal
user-defined error messages during assembly of a program.
When encountered, PAGE8 posts the error asterisks and forces
the listing of the statement just as if a valid error flag
had been posted internally by PAGE8. The operand and comment
field to the directive will normally contain an error message
that identifies the error condition that was detected during
assembly of the program. The error will also appear in the
cross-reference directory of errors, with a blank for the
posted error flag.

 This directive provides an extremely useful tool for
protecting programs during future assemblies or source
modifications. Coupled with the use of conditional assembly
directives, checks can be made for all kinds of special
error conditions in a source program. For example, one can
check that a program lies within certain memory limits, or
check that tables have the correct length. It is also very
useful in macros. Often the macros will have been written by
another programmer who can then include checks that the
arguments passed to the macro have the correct form or type,
or that the correct number of arguments are passed.

 See also use of the NOTE: directive which has a somewhat
similar function. In the example below, a macro checks that
the first argument to be passed has a value of 5 or less:

	.SAMPLE	<ARG1><ARG2>		; 2 arguments to the macro
	AIF	<ARG1>.LE.5,.OK		; Assembly branch if legal

    [2]  FIELD	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	FIELD
	Operand:	Any expression whose value lies between 1 and 7
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	FIELD address.

 This directive indicates to PAGE8 the memory
field at which assembly is to continue. It is similar to the
ORG directive in that the expression field must not contain
any symbols that are defined at a later point in the source
program. Should this occur, thed Q error flag will be lposted
and the FIELD directive will be ignored in all assembly
passes (an assembly phase error does not occur).

 Also, field settings may not go backwards, the operand
field must contain a value that is greater and not equal
to the current field setting. If an attempt is made to set
the field backwards, the B error flag will be posted and the
FIELD directive will be ignored.

 When the FIELD directive is encountered, the current
page literal pool is output followed by the page zero literal
pool. No page escape is generated and the assembly location
counter is reset back to zero.

    [2]  FILE	(Source program name)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	FILE
	Operand:	Character string of up to 40 characters
	Comment:	Treated as an extension of the operand field

	Mnemonic definition:	FILEname for mail title.

 The FILE directive should be
followed by a character string of no more than 40 characters
which will then be used as the main title on line 1 of the
assembled source listing. The title begins with the first
non-blank character in the operand field. The FILE directive
will cause a page eject to be performed before listing the
next statement. If the character string exceeds 40 characters
in length, it will be truncated to that length without
any error message.

 PAGE8 assumes that the first source statement will contain
a FILE directive. If it is omitted, and the first statement
is not TITLE or EJECT, the first line in the source file will
not be listed properly (it will be listed by itself prior to
the first page). The FILE directive may actually appear anywhere
in the source program. It is not restricted in use to
the first statement in the source file and it may be used
any number of times within a source file.

 Generally, PAGE8 programs use this directgive at the start
olf each source file, so that one can tell immediately from
the listing what the name of the associated source file is.
See also use of the TITLE directive which is normally used
for providing sub-headings within a source file.

    [2]  FREE	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	FREE
	Operand:	Expression in the range 0-63 (decimal)
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	FREE up room on page.

 This directive contains an operand
field which specifies the minimum number of free locations
to be reserved at the end of each PDP[-]8 memory page. The default
value set by PAGE8 at the beginning of each pass is zero,
indicating that most memory pages will be completely packed.
This directive may appear anywhere and any number of times
within the source program.

 This directive is particularly useful during the debugging
stages of a program. With this directive, the programmer can
ensure that there is plenty of room on each page for patching
purposes. Once debugged, the FREE statement can be removed,
thus restoring the optimal packing density for the program.

 Note that this directive specifies the minimum number of
free locations to be reserved. Because of the way in which
instructions are assembled, it is entirely possible that one
or two extra locations will be left free. This can happen when
a skip instruction occurs right at the end of a page, or
when some expressions that were undefined in pass 1 are found
to resolve to the same entry in the literal lpool during
subsequent passes.

    [2]  GAP	(Expression),(Expression),(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	GAP
	Operand:	Three expressions separated by commas
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	object GAP.

 This is a highly unusual assembly directive
that is provided to enhance the usefulness of the automatic
paging feature of PAGE8. This directive is followed by
three expressions in the operand field. The first expression
will contain the field address of the gap as value in the
range 0[-]7. The second expression will contain the 12[-]bit
starting address of the object gap, and the third expression
will contain the number of words in the gap. The latter two
expressions should be multiples of 128 (e.e. on a page boundary).
Object gaps may not lie below location 0400 in a field.

 During automatic pagination of the source program, PAGE8
checks to see if the next page lies within a specified object
gap. If it does, the page(s) specified in the gap are skipped
over and assembly continues at the first free page after the gap.
This skipping over object gaps only occurs in ISEC 0.
In ISEC area 1, object gaps are always ignored.

 When skipping over an object gap, PAGE8 adjusts the final
entry in the previous page's literal pool to ensure that the
paging link correctly jumps over the object gap. This means
that the programmer can reserve pages at the beginning of the
program without having to be concerned about overlaying them
with subsequent source code. There is room for the specification
of 4 object gaps in each of the 8 memory fields. The Y error
flag will posted if this limit is exceeded.

 This directive can be useful for reserving data space at
specified locations within a program. Also, these object gaps
can be filled in later with code by switching to ISEC 1 and
setting the origin to the start of the object gap.

    [2]  ISEC	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	ISEC
	Operand:	Expression with a value of 0 or 1
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Instruction SECtion.
				-	    ---

 The operand field must contain an
expression who value is either zero or one in order to
select on of the two instruction sections. Each instruction
section has its own set of location counters (12[-]bit location
counter, field location counter and AFIELD location counter).
PAGE8 defaults to instruction section 0 at the start of each

 When switching between instruction section areas, a page
break is forced in the old ISEC area (if necessary) and the
saved assembly location counters for the new area are loaded.
Two instruction sections are provided in order to overcome the
restriction in PAGE8 of setting an origin backwards. If there
is a need to go backwards, a switch can be made to the other
instruction section whose location counters have not been

 Extreme caution is required in the correct handling of this
feature. In particular, problems can arise in switching between
ISEC areas where the assembly fields are different. In general,
both ISEC areas should be updated at the same time. The reason
for this is that when switching between ISEC areas, the page
zero literal pool is not output. This could cause literals
from both fields to be stored in the same pool. The page zero
literal pool is not output in order to make it possible to
briefly switch instruction sections and back again without
losing all the page zero literals.

 In most cases, the programmer will find that it is best
either to update fields in both areas at the same time, or to
only switch sections once in a program, preceding the instruction
section switch with a FIELD directive to ensure that the
page zero literals are output in the correct memory field.

    [2]  LFIELD	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	LFIELD
	Operand:	Expression in the range 0-7
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Load FIELD.
				-    -----

 The operand field should contain an expression
in the range of 0[-]7. The field setting is punched on the
object code during pass2. Neither the current assembly field
nor the location counter are reset and the page zero literals
are not affected.

 On the listing, all the addresses will have an asterisk
posted after them to indicate that the actual address on
the listing differs from the address at which the assembled
object code will be loaded.

 Relocation of the object code will remain in effect until
an ORG or FIELD directive is encountered. Either of these
directives will remove the relocation. See also the use of
the LOAD directive which effects relocations within a memory

    [2]  LINK	(Operation code)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	LINK
	Operand:	Any PAGE8 operation code
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	LINK definition.

 The LINK directive causes the referenced
operation code to be inserted back into the PAGE8 operation
code tables. If it is already in the table, this directive
has no effect and functions as an ANOP.

 The LINK directive is generally used within a macro who
function is to trap out some standard PAGE8 operation code
in order to provide some extra feature.

 The example below should clarify the use of the LINK and
UNLINK directives. This macro traps out the LIST directive
in order to get the directive listed (PAGE8 normally
suppresses the listing of this directive) and also assert
a LISTC directive as well:

	UNLINK	LIST		Set trap on LIST directive in main code
	MACRO			Macro to process trapped LIST
	LINK	LIST		; Recollect standard definition
	LIST			; Turn on the listing
	UNLINK	LIST		; Set `trap' again
	LISTC			; Turn on conditional list, too
 !	ANOP			; `LIST' gets listed here
	MSKIP			; Allow a preceding skip instruction

    [2]  LIST

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	LIST
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	turn on LISTing.

 The LIST directive controls the listing output. If the
listing had been turned off by a previous NOLIST directive,
the listing is now turned back on. If the listing was
currently on, this directive has no effect. The LIST
directive is not listed by PAGE8.

 The LIST directive will not override the effect of the
/L run-time option (which turns the listing off permanently).

    [2]  LISTC

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	LISTC
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	LIST Conditional source.
				---- -

 The LISTC directive controls the
listing of statements that are not being assembled (dur
to a prior AGO or AIF directive). This directive has the
effect of causing the unassembled statements to be listed.

 PAGE8 defaults to a NOLISTC condition at the start of
each assembly pass. The LISTC directive is not listed.

    [2]  LISTM

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	LISTM
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	LIST Macro expansion.
				---- -

 The LISTM directive specifies that
the source code generated during the expansion of a macro
should be listed along with the macro call. PAGE8 defaults
to a NOLISTM condition at the start of each assembly pass.

 This directive is generally used during debugging of
complex macro definitions or in cases where the macro
definition itself supplies useful documentation.

 The LISTM directive is not listed.

    [2]  LOAD

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	LOAD
	Operand:	Any PAGE8 expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	LOAD origin.

 The LOAD directive specifies that the following
object code should be loaded at the address indicated by
the expression in the operand field. This origin setting
in punched on the object code output during pass 2. As with
the LFIELD directive, the current assembly location counter
is not affected, nor is the current page literal pool output.

 An asterisk will appear after the address field on the
listing to indicate thatg relocation is in effect. PAGE8
adds the relocation constant (i.e. difference between load
and assemblyu origins) when outputting the origin for the
current page literal pool, so that current page literals
and links are addressed correctly even when relocation
is in effect. The programmer should be aware, however, that
the page escape and other paging links reflect values
relative to the current location counter and not the address
at which the object code will be loaded.

    [2]  MACRO

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	MACRO
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	MACRO definition.

 This directive indicates that all
subsequent statements up to the following MEND directive
comprise a macro definition. The next stgatement after the
MACRO directive will be the prototype header statement which
contains the name of the macro and the format of the arguments
that will be passed to the macro.

 All subsequent body statements will be treated as part of
the macro definition until the MEND directive is found, at
which point the macro definition will be terminated. Although
macro calls can be nested, macro definitions may not be
nested, nor may a macro be defined with a macro.

 A detailed description of macros and macro definitions
will be found in the section: PAGE8 MACRO PROCESSOR [=PAGE8 MACRO

    [2]  MEND

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	MEND
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Macro definition END statement.
				-		 ---

 This directive indicates
the end of a macro definition. It also terminates the
expansion of the macro definition when the macro is being
processed. If this directive appears without a prior MACRO
directive, the M error flag will be posted (macro syntax error).

 Conditional or unconditional assembly branches are not
permitted across a MEND statement. If the assembly is off
when the MEND directive is found, the assembly is automatically
turned back on again without generating an error message.

 More details on the use of macro directives can be found

    [2]  MEXIT

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	MEXIT
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	end Macro expansion and EXIT macro.
				    -			----

 When encountered
during the expansion of a macro, PAGE8 terminates the expansion with
this statement. MEXIT is identical to MEND except that it does not mark
the end of a macro definition. MEXIT is provided to allow
premature exits from the macro expansion without having to
use assembly branches to the MEND statement.

 More details on the use of macro directives can be found

    [2]  MONR

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operatin:	MONR
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	MONitor Return.
				---	-

 When the directive is encountered,
PAGE8 immediately returns to the OS/8 monitor program by
executing a JMP to location 07600. The purpose of this
directive is to allow assembly to be aborted immediately in
the event of some fatal error lcondition. It is generally used
in conjunction with the ERROR: and NOTE:

 For example, a program can check to see if it is using too
much memory. If is it (and this is an absolutely hopeless
error condition), the program can use the AIF directive to
perform the check, the ERROR: directive to inform the user
of the error condition and the MONR directive to force an
immediate abort of the assembly. This can be especially
useful when PAGE8 is running under OS/8 BATCH.

    [2]  (Symbol)  MSCAN  (Expression),(Dummy macro agrument)

	Label:		Symbol
	Operation:	MSCAN
	Operand:	An expression followed by a dummy macro argument
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Macro argument character SCAN.
				-			 ----

 This directive makes it
possible to examine a single character in an argument (usually
a substitution for a dummy macro argument) and obtain the
value of the ASCII character code for that character. lThe
character in the argument to be "scanned" is specified by
the first expression. For example, if the argument begins
with the letter `A' and the first expression has a value of
zero, the symbol will be set to the value of 301 (octal) (the
ASCII character code for the letter `A'. If the first expression
had a value of 7, the 8th character in the string would
be returned.

 This directive provides PAGE8 with a powerful character
string processing capability. The example below should
help to clarify its use. This macro reads a string of characters
until a carriage return code is found and then generates an
ASCII text string where each character is stored right-justified,
one character per word.

	.ASCII	<STRING>	; Argument is character string
 PTR	SET	0		; Initialize character pointer
 .LOOP	ANOP			; Loop here for next character
 CHAR	MSCAN	PTR,<STRING>	; Pick off next character
	AIF	CHAR.NE.0215,.GO	; If CR, we are done
	MEXIT			; It was CR, all done
 .GO	DC	CHAR		; Generate the character
	AGO	.LOOP		; Loop back for next character

 To call the macro above, the text string would be passed as
a single, extended argument (to avoid problems with blanks).

    [2]  MSKIP

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	MSKIP
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	Macro SKIP permitted.
				-     ----

 This is a macro directive that
inhibits PAGE8 from posting the "Illegal Unprotected Statement"
flag if it finds that the macro call is preceded with a
skip instruction.

 It is often very easy to forget that a macro may generate
a substantial amount of object code from a single statement
calling the macro. PAGE8 accomodates this common mistake by
posting an error flag if it finds a macro call preceded with
a skip instruction.

 Some macros, however, may not generate any object code,
or may generate only one instruction. In these cases, it
would be permissable to precede the macro call with a skip
instruction without having an error flag posted. By including
the MSKIP directive at some point within the macro definition,
PAGE8 will not execute the check for a preceding skip
instruction when the macro call is encountered and will not
post the error flag. Note that the MSKIP directive can
appear anywhere in the macro definition[-][-]its
position is not important.

 More details on the use of macro directives can be found

    [2]  NOCREF

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	NOCREF
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	NO Cross-REFerences.
				-- -	 ---

 The NOCREF directive inhibits the accumulation
of cross-references to symbols until a later CREF directive is
encountered. This directive is normally used in macros that contain
iterative code. Use of this directive inbigits generation
of hundreds or possibly thousands of cross-references which
are of no significant value.

 PAGE8 defaults to a CREF condition at the start of each
assembly pass. The NOCREF cirective does not affect cross-reference
accumulation of definitions. In particular, if a
symbol is being constantly redefined with SET, references will
still appear in the cross-reference directory even if
NOCREF is in effect.

    [2]  NOLIST

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	NOLIST
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	NO LISTing.
				-- ----

 The NOLIST directive controls the listing of the assembled
program. If the listing was on, the listing is not turned off.
If the listing was curfrently off, then this directive has
no effect. The NOLIST directive is not listed.

    [2]  NOLISTC

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	NOLISTC
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	do NOt LIST Conditional source.
				   --  ---- -

 The LISTC directive controls the listing of statements
that are not being assembled because of a prior AGO or AIF
directive that turned off the assembly. When a NOLISTC
directive has been encountered, PAGE8 will not list statements
that are not being assembled.

 PAGE8 defaults to a NOLISTC condition at the start of
each assembly pass.

    [2]  NOLISTM

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	NOLISTM
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	do NOt LIST Macro expansions.
				   --  ---- -

 The NOLISTM directive specifies that only the assembled
object code and macro call are to be listed during the
expansion of a macro. NOLISTM cancels the effect of a prior
LISTM directive.

 PAGE8 defaults to a NOLISTM condition at the beginning
of each assembly pass.

    [2]  NOTE:	(User-defined message)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	NOTE:
	Operand:	Contains a user-defined text message
	Comment:	Treated as a continuation of the operand field

	Mnemonic definition:	print NOTE.

 This directive is identical to the ERROR:
directive except that no error condition is signalled. The
error asterisks do not appear, and no entry appears in the
cross reference cirectory of errors. However, the listing will
be forced on, to ensure that this statement is listed. If
will be printed during each pass when the statement is encountered.

 The passes one and two, the message will always appear on
the master terminal. In pass 3, the message will appear
on the third pass list file.

    [2]  ORG	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	ORG
	Operand:	Any valid PAGE8 expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	ORiGin setting.
				-- -

 The ORG directive sets the origin for subsequent
assembly. The expression in the operand field is evaluated and
becomes the new origin for continuation of the assembly. A default
origin of zero is assigned by PAGE8 at the beginning of each
pass, or whenever a FIELD directive is encountered. If the
origin is set backwards within a given ISEC area, the B error
flag will be posted, and a HLT instruction assembled instead.
A HLT instruction is assembled in order to force generation
of object code so that the current location counter will be
printed along with the flagged statement. This feature
provides a convenient wasy of checking that a program does not
go beyond a certain memory address.

 Any symbols in the operand field must have been previously
defined in a prior source statement or the Q error flag will
be posted and the origin will not be changed. This action
takes place in all passes so that no assembly phase errors
will occur.

    [2]  PAGE

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	PAGE
	Operand:	Expression in the range 0-127 (decimal)
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	PAGE depth.

 This directive is used to control the number
of lines to appear on each page of the listing generated during
pass 3. The operand field should contain an expression
indicating the required number of lines.

 PAGE8 defaults to a page depth of 52 lines per page at the
start of each assembly pass.

    [2]  PART

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	PART
	Operand:	Treated as part of the comment field
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	PARTition local symbols.

 When a PART directive is found,
PAGE8 ensures that no previous forward, nor following
backward local symbols "cross" this statement. Any attempts to
reference a local symbol across a PART directive will cause
the U error flag (unedfined symbol) to be lposted. If in a macro
expansion, local macro symbols at the current nesting level
are partitioned.

 This directive is supplied in order to combat the
difficulties that arise when a local symbol tag is missing:
no error flag is posted and the reference will go forward or
backwards until a tag is found with the same number. Obviously,
there is no way that PAGE8 can determine that a local symbol
tag is missing. However, by including frequent PART directives
in a program, the programmer can guard against this problem
quite effectively.

    [2]  PUNCH	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	PUNCH
	Operand:	Any valid PAGE8 expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	PUNCH object code.

 The PUNCH directive specifies that the
8[-]bit value of the expression in the operand field is to be
punched on the pass 2 object code without updating the assembly
location counter. The 8[-]bit value is added into the
binary checksum. If the value is greater than 8 bits,
it is truncated to 8 bits without any error flag's being

 By specifying a value with bit zero set (i.e. by adding
the constant 4000 (octal)), the low order 8 bits will be punched
as above but the value will NOT be added into the binary
checksum. lThis directive caters to special loading programs
other than ABSLDR or the standard paper tape binary loader.
For example, the DEC typesetting loader has a special DECtape
origin indication[-][-]DTORG. A macro can be easily written using
the PUNCH directive to generate the special format needed
by that loading program.

 As a cross-assembler, macros incorporating the PUNCH directive
can generate special record headers, trailers, data
formats and checksums for the object loader programs that
run on that compouter. Macros can even be written to take
an object byte and output it is a highly specialized format
such as the BPNF standards require for burning ROMs.

    [2]  (Symbol) QUT (Expression),(Expression)

	Label:		Symbol
	Operation:	QUT
	Operand:	Expression in range 0-7, followed by an expression
	Comment:	Permitted

 	Mnemonic definition:	eQUaTe to address.
				 -- -

 The operand field should contain two
expressions separated by a single comma. The first expression
should be the 3[-]bit field address for the symbol in the range
0[-]7. The second expression should contain the 12[-]bit address
within that field for the symbol. Offset references to symbols
defined by QUT will be adjusted (if necessary) by the pagination
routines. In other words, QUT defines a symbol in the
same way that it would have been defined if the symbol had
appeared in the label field at the specified address.

 Note that the external symbol directory generated by the
/D or /G run-time options defines all the symbolic addresses
in terms of QUT statements. Offset references, however, should
be used with great care since PAGE8 does not have access to
the page mapping tables that were built during the previous
assembly. To be safe, offset references should probably be
avoided altogether when referencing symbols defined through
an external symbol directory.

 See also the use of the EQU directive for defining symbolic
addresses, since the EQU directive has some special features
associated with its use in defining addresses.

    [2]  RADIX	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	RADIX
	Operand:	An expression in the range 2-10 (decimal)
	Comment:	Permitted

 	Mnemonic definition:	RADIX setting for untyped constants.

 This directive sets a new radix in the range of 2[-]10 (decimal)
for untyped constants.
All following untyped constants will be evaluated in this
specified radix. Radix settings do not affect the use of a
precedent zero on untyped constants as an alternate way of
expressing octal constants[-][-]a leading zero always specifies
an octal constant. Also, the sign change warning posted on
untyped constants applies only to decimal constants.

 This directive should be used with care. In particular,
failure to reset the radix back again after its use could
cause very obscure errors in a program. Also, the operand
field for the RADIX directive should use a typed constant,
since the current radix of untyped constants may not be known
at that point. PAGE8 will always check that all digits used
in an untyped constant lie within the radix specified by
the RADIX directive.

 PAGE8 defaults to a radix of 10 (decimal) at the start of each
assembly pass.

    [2]  RET

	Label:		Symbol, sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	RET
	Operand:	Any expression containing a symbolic address
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	RETurn from subroutine.

 The RET directive provides the
normal way of exiting from a subroutine whose entry point has
been defined with the SUB directive. If the subroutine entry
point is on the same page as the RET, an indirect JMP
instruction is assembled through the entry point to the subroutine.
If the RET is on a different page, an indirect JMP is assembled
through a paging link that points one location back
from the subroutine entry point. In these cases, it will
require two jumps to exit from the subroutine.

 The operand field to the RET directive must contain a
symbolic address which appeared in the label field of a
SUB directive. If PAGE8 fiends that this is not the case,
the J error flag is posted. See also the description of
the SUB directive and the section on SUBROUTINES.

    [2]  ROOM	(Expression)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	ROOM
	Operand:	An expression in the range 0-63 (decimal)
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	ROOM on page.

 The ROOM directive takes an operand field
which specifies the number of following locations which
must be assembled together on a page. PAGE8 forces a
premature page break if necessary. Prior definition of any
symbols in the expression is required or the Q error flag
will be postged and the directive will be ignored.

 Because of the complex nature of the ROOM directive,
PAGE8 posts status flags on the listing to show approximately
how many instructions (or data) are covered by the ROOM
directive. As a simply (although not totally accurate) guide,
the following "rule" can be applied:

	1 for data,
	2 for instructions,
	1 additional if the last instruction is a skip.

 Following this rule will guarantee proper coverage. In point
of fact, this "rule" will often
result in an unnecessarily high value since certain instructions
(operates and page zero memory reference) will generally
only require one location. On the other hand, current page
references may require one or two locations depending on
where the pages break, so it is probably best to use the
conservative rule above.

    [2]  (Symbol)  SET  (Expression)

	Label:		Symbol
	Operation:	SET
	Operand:	Any valid expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	SET value of symbol.

 The SET directive is identical in
function to the EQU directive except that SET allows the
symbol in the label field to be redefined to a different
value withoput generation of an error condition. The expression
in the operand field is evaluated and assigned to the
current value of the symbol in the label field and the old
value (if any) is lost.

 In order to permit changing the value of the symbol,
the symbol must have been originally defined with the SET
directive. If the symbol had been originally defined with
QUT or EQU or appeared as an address label, the value will
not change and the R error flag will be posted to signify
a redefinition error.

 As with EQU and QUT, any symbols in the expression must
have been defined in a prior source statement; otherwise,
the Q error flag (illegal forward reference) will be posted
and the value of the symbol will remain unchanged.

    [2]  (Symbol)  SUB  (Expression)

	Label:		Symbol
	Operation:	SUB
	Operand:	An optional expression
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	SUBroutine entry point.

 The SUB directive defines the entry point of a subroutine. PAGE8
assembles two contiguous
instructions: the first is an indirect JMP instruction to the
next location (which will always be on the same page as
the first instruction). The second location is a data word
that comprises the value of the optional expression. If the
expression is omitted, a default data word of 7402 (octal) is
automatically provided by PAGE8. The default HLT instruction
is provided to trap out any bad jump instructions to the label
when the program is first executed.

 It is not necessary to define all subroutine entry points
with the SUB directive. However, in order to make use of the
RET directive and allow for automatic paging, it is always
desirable to do so. See also use of the RET directive and
the section on SUBROUTINES fur further description of handling
subroutines in PAGE8.

 The provision for an optional expression in the SUB directive
is made in order to allow for convenient implementation of
coroutines in PAGE8. A typical coroutine entry is shown
in the example below:

 COROUT1	SUB			Coroutine entry point
 COROUT2	SUB	1F		Initial linkage at 1H tag
	RET	COROUT1		Coroutine exit point
 1H	...			Main-line code of coroutine
	JMS	COROUT2		Call coroutine exit point
	...			Main-line code continues here

    [2]  TEXT

	Label:		Symbol, sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	TEXT
	Operand:	Any text string enclosed in delimiting characters
	Comment:	Permitted if closing delimiter is present

	Mnemonic definition:	TEXT string.

 The TEXT directive generates packed ASCII
text strings. The first non-blank character after the operator
should be the delimiter which will appear at both ends of the
string of text. If no terminating delimiter is found, the
text string will be closed out when the end of the line is

 The text string is converted so that successive locations
are filled two characters per word with only the low order
six bits of the ASCII character code's being stored. If the
string contains an odd number of characters, the final 6[-]bit
byte will be set to 00 (octal).

 If there is not enough room on the current page in an
ISEC area, PAGE8 will force a premature page break and store
the text string on the nextg free page. If a full word of zero
is needed as a sentinel on the string, an "at-sign" (@)
character can always be used as the final character of
the text string.

    [2]  TITLE	(User-defined sub-title)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	TITLE
	Operand:	User-defined text string of 1-60 (decimal)
characters for title
	Comment:	Treated an an extension of the operand field

	Mnemonic definition:	TITLE for listing.

 The TITLE directive should be followed
by a 1[-]60 (decimal) character text string which will then become the
line 3 title (or sub-title) for the following pages of the
assembly listing. An explicit page eject is performed before
the next statement is listed. If the charfacter string is
longer than 60 (decimal) characters, the remaining characters will be
truncated without an error's being noted.

 Generally, the second line in any source file should be a
TITLE directive. The TITLE directive should be used frequently
in the source program to aid in the identification of major
program segments. As with the FILE directive, the TITLE
directive is not listed so that both directives can be
issued in succession without generating a blank page between
them in the listing. The FILE, TITLE and EJECT directives do
not cause an immediate page eject. They cause a flag to be
set which indicates that a page eject will be needed in front
of the next statement that will actually print on the listing.
For example, 8 consecutive EJECT statements have the same
effect as a single EJECT statement.

    [2]  UNLINK  (Operation code)

	Label:		Sequence symbol or blank
	Operation:	UNLINK
	Operand:	Any PAGE8 operation code
	Comment:	Permitted

	Mnemonic definition:	UNLINK operation code.

 The UNLINK directive causes the
referenced operation code to be removed from the PAGE8 operation
code tables. Subsequent use of that operation code forces
PAGE8 to search the master symbol table in order to find out
if that operation code has been defined as a macro. If not,
the O error flag is posted for an undefined operation code.
The operation code is removed on a temporary basis only and
may be "recalled" by the use of the LINK directive.

 The primary purpose of this directive is to permit
redefinition of standard PAGE8 operation codes by use of the macro
facility. For example, when assembling a program for the PDP[-]8/I
that was originally written for the PDP[-]8/e, the UNLINK
directive could be used to delete the BSW definition. An
appropriate macro could then be defined to generate in-line
code or a subroutine call to emulate the BSW instruction.
This directive can also be used to trap PAGE8 operation codes
for the purpose of providing some special feature (see the
description of the LINK directive for an example). One final
use of the UNLINK directive is to remove operation codes that
conflict with the operation codes of another computer when
PAGE8 is being used as a cross-assembler for that computer.

 NOTE: careless use of the UNLINK directive can cause
phase errors during assembly if the directive being unlinked
has been used in a prior source statement. This can occur
because PAGE8 does not relink all unlinked operation codes
at the start of each pass. For this reason, one should be
careful to include these LINK and UNLINK directives early
in the program before any object code has been generated.
The fact that operation codes are not relinked at the start of
each pass can be a useful feature in some special circumstances.

 [1]  Alphabetic Listing of all Defined Operation Codes


 mri	memory reference.
 imri	indirect memory reference.
 opr	operate instruction (7xxx)(octal).
 iot	I/O instruction (6xxx)(octal).
 oasm	object code generating assembly directive.
 nasm	non-object code generating asembly directive.
 nasm*	assembly directive that causes information to be generated
on the object file, but does not itself cause any information to be
stored at any location within the program.

	AFIELD	nasm
	AGO	nasm
	AIF	nasm
	ALIGN	nasm
	AND	mri
	ANDI	imri
	ANDX	oasm
	ANOP	nasm
	AREAD	nasm
	AS	oasm
	BSW	opr
	BYTE	oasm
	CAF	iot
	CAL	opr	(CLA	CLL)
	CAM	opr	(CLA	MQL)
	CDF	iot
	CIA	opr	(CMA	IAC)
	CID	iot
	CIF	iot
	CLA	opr
	CLL	opr
	CMA	opr
	CML	opr
	CREF	nasm
	DC	oasm
	DCA	mri
	DCAI	imri
	DCAX	oasm
	DI	oasm
	DSEC	nasm
	DSI	oasm
	EJECT	nasm
	END	nasm
	EQU	nasm
	ERM	nasm
	ERROR:	nasm
	FIELD	nasm*
	FILE	nasm
	FREE	nasm
	GAP	nasm
	GTF	iot
	HLT	opr
	IAC	opr
	INC	mri
	INCI	imri
	INCX	oasm
	IOF	iot
	ION	iot
	IOS	iot
	IOT	iot
	ISEC	nasm
	ISZ	mri
	ISZI	imri
	ISZX	oasm
	JMP	mri
	JMPI	imri
	JMPX	oasm
	JMS	mri
	JMSI	imri
	JMSX	oasm
	LAS	opr	(CLA	OSR)
	LDI	oasm
	LFIELD	nasm*
	LINK	nasm
	LIST	nasm
	LISTC	nasm
	LISTM	nasm
	LOAD	nasm*
	MACRO	nasm
	MEND	nasm
	MEXIT	nasm
	MONR	nasm
	MQA	opr
	MQL	opr
	MSCAN	nasm
	MSKIP	nasm
	NOCREF	nasm
	NOP	opr
	NOTE:	nasm
	ORG	nasm*
	OSR	opr
	PAGE	nasm
	PART	nasm
	PUNCH	nasm*
	QUT	nasm
	RADIX	nasm
	RAL	opr
	RAR	opr
	RDF	iot
	RET	oasm
	RIF	iot
	RMF	iot
	ROOM	nasm
	RTF	iot
	RTL	opr
	RTR	opr
	SET	nasm
	SKP	opr
	SMA	opr
	SNA	opr
	SNL	opr
	SPA	opr
	SRQ	iot
	STA	opr
	STL	opr
	SUB	oasm
	SWP	opr
	SZA	opr
	SZL	opr
	TAD	mri
	TADI	imri
	TADX	oasm
	TEXT	oasm
	TITLE	nasm
	UNLINK	nasm