File: SECT03.WM of Tape: Various/ETH/s10-diss
(Source file text) 

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1) Structural and free electron data.
Several general quantities always crop up in calculations

concerning Fermi-surfaces or involving pseudo-potentials.

The proper low-temperature values are not always used and we

find it convenient to include these constants for future

The periodic boundary conditions in a crystal show that the

density in k-space is given by: 2 V(cryst)/(2&p)^3^. From this

it follows that the Fermi-wavenumber k\F0\, corresponding to

the free electron sphere is:
                    3&p^2^ Z s            3&p^2^ Z
(3.1)    k\F0\  =   [---------]^1/3^  =  [-------]^1/3^
                    V(cryst)            &O\o\
where Z is the valence of the considered atom, s the number of

atoms per unit cell, V(Cryst) the volume of the unit cell and

&O\o\ the atomic volume.
Because all calculations are done in k-space, it is of

advantage to work in so called computational units and one

choses one of the unit reciprocal lattice vectors 2 &p/a as the

new unit length. With x(vol)= &O\o\s/a^3^ we get:
           cu         3  Z  s 
(3.2)     k\F\   =   (------------)^1/3^     in comp. units
                     8 &p x(vol)

			    -  26  -

The x(vol) constant is a characteristic of each crystal

structure, i.e. for FCT x=c/a, HEX: x=SQRT(3)c/(2a), HCP:

x=SQRT(2), RHOMB: x=(1-COS(&a)) SQRT(1+2COS(&a))
One would like to avoid the use of atomic units, but it just

happens that most of the literature abounds in Rydbergs, Bohr

radii, etc. For reasons of completeness we give the definitions

and conversion factors:(au=atomic units,cu=computational units)
Quantity        Unit            Factor          Unit

Mass            m\e\              9.1091 10^-28^    grams

Length          h'^2^/me^2^          .52917          Angstroem
=Bohr radius

Time            h'^3^/me^4^          2.419 10^-17^     seconds

Energy(a.u.)    me^4^/h'^2^          4.3594 10^-18^    Joule
                                27.2105         eV

 " (Rydberg)    me^4^/2h'^2^         2.1797 10^-18^    Joule
                                13.6052         eV

Resistivity	at. units	21.74		&m&O-cm/100At%
We now have:
           au               au    cu
          k\F\   =   ( 2 &p / a   ) k\F\
and the Fermi energy in computational units is usually defined

             cu       cu 
            E\F\   =  (k\F\  )^2^

			    -  27  -

Table 3.1 gives a collection of lattice spacings and atomic

volumes in a.u. for the solvents and solutes of interest (no

values are given for the transition metal solutes because we

can not treat them with the pseudopotential formalism ). Where

available the low temperature lattice spacings have been used,

otherwise we extrapolated the room temperature l.c.'s to 0K

with the aid of thermal expansion data.
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Metal	| Struct|   a	|   c	|   b	|  	|  	|
|  and	|  and	|  in	|  in	|  or	|  c/a	|  &O	|
|valence| states|  a.u.	|  a.u.	| Angle	|	|   o	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|

|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Bi/5	| RH/2	| 8.9319|	| 57.314|	| 236.36|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|*Si/4	| DIA/8	|10.2628|	|	|	| 135.11|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|*Ge/4	| DIA/8	|10.6910|	|	|	| 152.74|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Sn/4	| BCT/4	| 10.985| 5.9636|	| .5429	| 179.91|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Pb/4	| FCC/4	| 9.2874|	|	|	| 200.27|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Al/3	| FCC/4	| 7.6192|	|	|	| 110.58|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Ga/3	| ORH/8	| 8.5324| 14.422| 8.4814| 1.6903| 130.46|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| In/3	| FCT/4	| 8.6038| 9.3254|	| 1.0839| 172.58|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Tl/3	| HEX/2	| 6.4970|10.3521|	| 1.5934| 189.22|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Mg/2	| HEX/2	| 6.0361| 9.7959|	| 1.6229| 154.55|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Zn/2	| HEX/2	| 5.0275| 9.1868|	| 1.8273| 100.54|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Cd/2	| HEX/2	| 5.6103|10.4482|	| 1.8624| 142.40|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Hg/2	| RH/1	| 5.6434|	|70.7433|	| 155.18|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Li/1	| FCC/4	| 8.3338|	|	|	| 144.70|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Cu/1	| FCC/4	| 6.8093|	|	|	|  78.93|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Ag/1	| FCC/4	| 7.6892|	|	|	| 113.65|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


	Table 3.1: Low temperature structural data

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Table 3.2 gives the followig constants computed with the values

of Table 3.1: the free electron Fermi-vector (in c.u.), the

Fermi energy in a.u., the reciprocal lattice constant in a.u.

and the factor A(cu), which is used to convert dHvA frequencies

F to computational areas : Area=A(cu) F[Gigagauss]. The

references indicated in Table 3.2 also apply to Table 3.1.
|	|	|	|	|	|
| 	|  2&p	|   cu	|   au	|   	|
| Metal	| ----	|  k	|  E	| A(cu)	|
|	| a(au)	|   F	|   F	|	|
|	|	|	|	|	|

|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Bi	| .7035	| 1.2163| .3661	| 5.4020| Barret (1960)
|	|	|	|	|	|
| *Si	| .6122	| 1.5632| .4580 | 7.1313| Ben et al.(1962)
|	|	|	|	|	|
| *Ge	| .5877 | 1.5632| .4220 | 7.7389| Cooper (1960)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Sn	| .5720 | 1.5209| .3784 | 8.1703| Lee;Raynor(1954) a)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Pb	| .6765 | 1.2407| .3595 | 5.8402| Pearson (1964) b)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Al	| .8246 | 1.1273| .4321 | 3.9306| Figgins (1956) c)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Ga	| .7364 | 1.1946| .3870 | 4.9293| Barret (1962)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  In	| .7303 | 1.0974| .3211 | 5.0120| Graham (1955) d)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Tl	| .9671 | 0.8036| .3020 | 2.8580| Barret (1958)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Mg	|1.0409 | 0.6978| .2638 | 2.4669| Pearson (1964) e)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Zn	|1.2498 | 0.6707| .3513 | 1.7114| Lynch  (1965) e)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Cd	|1.1199 | 0.6665| .2786 | 2.1311| Lynch (1965)  e)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Hg	|1.1133 | 0.6515| .2631 | 2.1564| Barret (1957)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Li	| .7539 | 0.7816| .1736 | 4.7023| Khatkevic (1952)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Cu	| .9227 | 0.7816| .2601 | 3.1394| Frohnmeyer (1953) f)
|	|	|	|	|	|
|  Ag	| .8171 | 0.7816| .2040 | 4.0031| Smakula (1955) b)
|	|	|	|	|	|


	Table 3.2: Free electron constants.
		   (*: Room temperature values)

			    -  29  -

	Thermal expansion references:

a)	White (1964)

b)	Nix;McNair (1942)

c)	Extrapolated.

d)	Collins et al.(1967)

e)	McCammon;White (1965)

f)	Nix;McNair (1941)

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2) Pseudopotentials.

a). Introduction.
The problem of determining the band structure of a metal is an

old one and there are several , more or less succesful, ways of

solving it.
What one always has to do, is to solve the Schroedinger

(3.3)     H &Q\i\  =   ( T + V(r) ) &Q\i\  =  E\i\ &Q\i\
where T is the kinetic energy, V(r) the self-consistent

potential seen by an electron and E\i\ the energy of the i'th

state. Now it happens that the potential is "strong" in the

sense that it creates low lying bound states, called "core

states". If one solves the Schroedinger equation in the

(3.4)     det| [ 1/2 ( k - g )^2^ - E ] &d\gg'\ + V\gg'\ | = 0
(here the V\gg'\'s are the Fourier components of V(r) ), we

have to go to very large k's (small wavelengths) in order to

make the calculation convergent. ( For Al the secular equation

would have to be of order 10^6^ x 10^6^ ). The lowest

eigenvalue of this solution will correspond to the lowest core

state and will not be particularly interesting for the

properties of a metal. It is quite clear that such a

calculation would be senseless and some means are needed to

eliminate the core states.

			    -  31  -

The fact that the V(r) has a deep potential well, leading to

core states, entails that the wave functions have several nodes

in the core region. One can now prescribe a core radius R\c\,

such that the core states (wiggles) are all included in a

sphere of radius R\c\. One can calculate the wave function at

R\c\ for the free atom and join these solutions to the solution

of the Schroedinger equation outside this sphere. One can now

show that the original V(r) can be replaced by another poten-

tial V\ps\(r) called the pseudopotential (PP). The solutions of

the Schroedinger equation using this potential are much

smoother and correspond to the outer valence states. Now the

lowest eigenvalue belongs to the lowest valence state.
Another way of looking at this problem is by using the

scattering theory approach. An incident wave |k> falling on an

atom will emerge with an angular distribution:
(3.5)   4&p/k  $S   (2l+1) [ exp(2i&h\l\) - 1] P\l\(cos &j)
The phase angle can be written:
(3.6)     &h\l\   =  p\l\ &p + &d\l\          |&d\l\|  <= &p/2
The constant p\l\ corresponds to the number of bound states,

but does not have any influence on the scattered wave. A

pseudopotential is now a potential which produces only phase

shifts of &d\l\; the bound states have been removed. We shall

be using these two aspects in our further discussion: the

second aspect will be helpful in discussing scattering

properties in relation with the character of the wave packets

(s,p,d, character)

			    -  32  -

b). The empty core or Ashcroft(1966) potential.
This is the simplest of all pseudopotentials and uses the

"cancellation theorem" (Heine(1970)) to set the depth of the

well exactly to zero:
          V\ash\^ion^(r)  =  0     for r<R\c\
                      =  -Z/r  for r>R\c\
Here R\c\ is some model radius adjusted for best fit with

experimental data and Z is the valence of the metal. The

Fourier transform of a potential is:
(3.8)     v(q)  =  1/&O\o\  $I V^ion^(r) exp(-iqr) d^3^r
(3.9)     v\ash\  =  - [ 4&pZ/ ( q^2^&e(q) &O\o\] cos( qR\c\)
In reduced q's: x=q/2k\F\
(3.10)    v\ash\ (x)  =  - ------------  cos( 2 x R\c\ k\F\)
                         3 &p x^2^ &e(x)
where &e(x) is the dielectric screening function without

(3.11)    &e(x)  =  1 + ----------------  f(x)
                       3 &p x^2^ (2/3 E\F\)
with f(x) the Lindhardt screening function:

                           1 - x^2^      1 + x
(3.12)    f(x)  =  1/2  +  ------ ln | ----- |
                             4 x       1 - x

			    -  33  -

It is seen that in the limit of x going to zero this potential

goes to -2/3E\F\ (the deformation potential), as every local

pseudopotential should.
We have fitted this PP to experimental Fermi surface data,

where available, and we give the obtained R\c\'s and the

sources used in Table 3.3.
These pseudopotentials are useful for qualitative discussions,

but it is difficult to see how they are influenced when used

for solute calculations. In the next paragraph we develop a

much more realistic model for this situation.
	|						|
	|	Li	Mg	Al	Si		|
	|	1.73	1.30	1.15	1.02		|
	|						|
	|	Cu	Zn	Ga	Ge		|
	|	0.81	1.11	1.06	0.98		|
	|						|
	|	Ag	Cd	In	Sn		|
	|	1.04	1.25	1.09	1.11		|
	|						|
	|		Hg	Tl	Pb	Bi	|
	|		1.27	1.11	1.00	0.98	|
	|						|


         Table 3.3: R\c\'s for Ashcroft PP. (in a.u.)

	Zn,Al,Mg,Pb,In		Sorbello;Griessen (1973)

	Bi,Tl,Li		Cohen;Heine (1974)

	Cu,Ag			Ashcroft;Langreth (1967)

	Si,Ge			Brust (1964)

	Sn			Stafleu;de Vroomen (1967)

	Ga			Reed (1969)

	Hg			Brandt;Rayne (1966)

	Cd			Stark;Falicov (1967)

			    -  34  -

c). The Shaw potential.
The pseudopotentials of the Heine-Abarenkov-Shaw type are so

called "model potentials" and were first given by Animalu and

Heine(1965) and later on Shaw(1968) showed that it was possible

to optimize them in a certain way. These potentials are called

model potentials to distinguish them from ab initio

pseudopotentials and also because they make use of empirical

information concerning the valence electron energy levels.
As already mentioned, the problem lies in knowing the

wavefunction of the Z times ionized atom outside some model

radius R\l\.(the R\l\'s may be different for different angular

momenta l=0,1,2;see Fig. 3.1) These wavefunctions will

naturally be energy dependent and one has to evaluate them at

the appropriate energy E\F\^ion^ with respect to the free ion.

Now we know that the solutions to the hydrogenlike Schroedinger

equation are only finite for energies at the term values (n,l)

of the ion in question and can be represented by Whittaker

functions of the first kind for the quantum numbers n,l.

The logarithmic derivative at the radius R\l\ of the solution

n,l can then be calculated and a solution corresponding to the

interior square well of depth A\x\ can be made to fit this

derivative. The resultant A\x\ will then specify the depth of

the well A\l\ for a certain l.

			    -  35  -



      Figure 3.1:The optimized model potential; the square
                 wells fit exactly in the Coulomb part
                 Z/r and are of different depths.
Shaw(1968,1968b) has shown that an optimized form of the

potential (optimized in the sense that the wavefunction is as

smooth as possible) results if the condition A\l\=Z/R\l\ is

fulfilled. He also shows that it is not neccessary to model

wave-functions higher than l\0\, where l\0\ is the highest

angular momentum of the core-wavefunctions.(e.g. l\0\=0 for

Li). He has given tables for relating the A\l\ with the term

values E\l\. We have reproduced these tables in a graphical

form in Fig. 3.2, where ln(A\l\/Z^2^) is given in function of


			    -  36  -

The only, but major, problem remaining is the inter- or

extrapolation of the A\l\(n)'s to the energy E\F\^ion^. Shaw

has shown, empirically, that a linear extrapolation is

reasonable provided that the d-bands are far enough in energy

fron the conduction band. We have found that a linear

interpolation in our ln-ln plot is often superiour and a

logarithmic extrapolation will tend to flatten out at low

energies provided the absolute value of the slope is smaller

than 1. (which is the case for the metals we considered). There

is no a priori reason to make a linear extrapolation and the

fact that our interpolation is often better, makes us feel

confident that our method is comparable or even better than the

linear method. Our interpolation formula is thus as follows:
(3.13)    A/ Z^2^ =  &a ( -E / Z^2^ )^&b^
Some of the elements we studied did not allow optimization,

viz: Cu,Ag and the transition metals Ti,V,Cr and Mn. In these

metals the d-band is too close to the conduction band and the

usual hydrogen-like term scheme breaks down. Animalu(1973) has

given a whole series of model potentials, which includes the

last mentioned, but the effect of scattering resonances seems

rather difficult to take into account.

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The metals Zn,Cd and Hg are an intermediate case, where the

influence of the d-bands just starts to be noticeable. This

series of elements has been studied by Evans(1970) by

incorporating the quantum defect method in Shaw's formalism. We

have determined our constants &a and &b from his values of A\l\

and $dA\l\/$dE at E\F\^ion^ for Zn,Cd,Hg and also for Pb,In,Tl.

In Table 3.4 we give our fitted values of &a and &b for future


		FIGURE 3.2
	careful: 0 1 2 regions not indicated

      Figure 3.2: ln-ln plot of Shaw's tables. Region 1 
                  corresponds to the usual one node so-
                  lution, region 0 to exponentially de-
                  caying solutions.

			    -  38  -

d). Fermi energy for solutes.
The problem remains of the E\F\^ion^ at which one should

evaluate the A\l\'s. This problem has been discussed by Animalu

and Heine(1965) and their method has been adopted Shaw,Evans,

etc. In solving the Schroedinger equation (3) for an ion in a

metal the potential energy term can be written as follows:
(3.14)    V(r)   =   V\ion\(r)  +  V\rest\(r)
where V\ion\ is the potential for a single isolated ion and

V\rest\ a potential due to the rest of the system, principally

the conduction electrons in the neighbourhood of the ion when

immersed in the metal. If V\rest\ can be considered more or

less constant in the model sphere, the energy at which to solve

for the free ion will be:
(3.15)   E\F\^ion^   =  E\F\^vac^  -  V\rest\
The value of the absolute energy E\F\^vac^ can be obtained by

considering the following expression for the cohesive energy:

(3.16)   -|B|  =  |I| + E\HF\ + E\c\ + E\WS\ - E\xc\^cb^ - E\se\^cb^

			    -  39  -

|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| Metal	|	s	|	p	|	d	|
|	|   &a	|   &b	|   &a	|   &b	|   &a	|   &b	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|

|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Bi	| .2548	| .3640	| .2623	| .3508	| .0563	|-.0872	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Si	| .2125	| .2022	| .1681	| .0211	|   --	|   --	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Ge	| .2296	| .2286	| .1837	| .0728	| .0927	|-.1462	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Sn	| .2377	| .2918	| .1915	| .1546	| .1141	| .0271	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Pb	| .2602	| .3130	| .1751	| .1373	| .0435	|-.2786	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Al	| .2243	| .1703	| .1961	| .0289	|   --	|   --	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Ga	| .2605	| .1992	| .2125	| .0313	| .1464	|-.0421	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   In	| .2640	| .2499	| .1860	| .0544	| .0438	|-.4070	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Tl	| .3021	| .2833	| .2434	| .1588	| .0455	|-.3445	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Mg	| .2534	| .1318	| .2427	| .0241	|   --	|   --	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Zn	| .3544	| .1884	| .4832	| .1820	| .1904	| .0084	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Cd	| .3511	| .2288	| .3725	| .1560	| .1903	| .0076	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Hg	| .4185	| .2528	| .4584	| .1991	| .3507	| .1935	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Li	| .3707	| .0726	|   --	|   --	|   --	|   --	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


            Table 3.4: Values of &a and &b.
This equation is set up per electron (not per atom!) and the

quantities have the following meaning:

			    -  40  -

B = absolute value of cohesive energy per electron

I = absolute value of (first Z ionization energies)/Z

E\HF\ = Hartree-Fock energy of free-electron gas

      = (3/5) E\F\ + E\x\ (E\x\=exchange energy)

E\c\  = correlation energy of free-electron gas

E\WS\ = Wigner-Seitz bottom of band energy

E\xc\^cb^ =  exchange/correlation of conduction band

E\se\^cb^ =  self-energy of conduction band electrons
The last two terms had to be subtracted, otherwise they would

be counted twice in E\HF\ and E\WS\.The quantity E\F\^vac^ we

want is the energy from the vacuum to the bottom of the

conduction band(=E\WS\) plus the energy from the bottom to the

top of the conduction band(=E\F\).Rewriting the above equation

16 we get:
(3.17)   E\F\^vac^ = -|B| - |I| + (2/5)E\F\+ E\se\^cb^+ E\xc\^cb^- E\x\- E\c\
The term V\rest\ can be expressed as: V\rest\=V\pot\+E\xc\^cb^,

where V\pot\ is the position dependent potential of an electron

interacting with Z electrons in the cell with radius r\o\ and

E\xc\^cb^ the exchange and correlation interaction with these

same electrons.The potential V\pot\ can be obtained by

integrating over the cell and then averaging over a sphere of

radius R\l\:
                 Z                       3Z           R\l\  
(3.18)  V\pot\  = ----  [ 3 - (r/r\o\)^2^]  =^~^ ----  [ 1 - (----)^2^]
                2 r\o\                    2 r\o\         2 r\o\

			    -  41  -

We can now write a final expression for E\F\^ion^ which will be

used as the energy to be used for extrapolating for the A\l\'s.

This energy will, itself, depend on A\l\ through the term

V\pot\ and we will have to solve self-consistently for each

(3.19)   E\F\^ion^ = -|B| - |I| + .2 k\F\^2^ + .6 Z/r\o\ + .239 k\F\

                 +.0575 - .0155 ln(1.9192/k\F\) - V\pot\
In this equation the explicit expressions for the different

energies have been inserted, k\F\ is the usual Fermi-momentum

and r\o\ the radius of the Wigner-Seitz sphere.All the energies

are given in atomic units.It is to be noted that the term

E\xc\^cb^ dropped out in subtracting E\F\^vac^ and V\rest\. We

calculated the energies E\F\^ion^ self-consistently, for the

elements in question, for each l. The average of the energies

for s,p,d was then used to extrapolate the A\l\'s with the aid

of equation 3.13.The different quantities of interest, for the

pure elements, are given in Table 3.5. (The quantity E\F\^*^ is

the constant part of E\F\^ion^, i.e. E\F\^ion^+ V\pot\) 
The situation of an impurity in an Al or In matrix, in the

context of a Shaw potential, has not been treated elsewhere.

Our assumptions are, first of all, that the Fermi energy of the

host matrix is unchanged for small concentrations of the

impurity atoms, thus, the term E\F\^*^ will have to be taken

for the host matrix. Secondly, the terms in V\rest\ will change

in a way which will depend on the properties of the immersed

impurity atom. We propose the following reasonable assumptions:

			    -  42  -

a) the radius r\o\ of the Wigner-Seitz cell, used in the

calculation of V\pot\, will be taken equal to the radius of the

impurity including any changes of volume due to distortion,b)

the the valence Z used in V\pot\ will be the impurity valence

(the screening effectively neutralizes the impurity), c) the

term E\xc\^cb^ will be given the same value as that of the

|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|	|    *	|   ion	|	|	|	|	|
| Metal	|   E	| -E	|   A	|   A	|   A	|   Z	|
|	|    F	|   F	|    0	|    1	|    2	|	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|

|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Bi	|  .053	| 1.727	| 2.41	| 2.57	| 1.78	|   5	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Si	|  .219	| 1.526	| 2.11	| 2.56	|  ---	|   4	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Ge	|  .169	| 1.507	| 2.14	| 2.47	| 2.09	|   4	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Sn	|  .205	| 1.348	| 1.85	| 2.09	| 1.71	|   4	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Pb	|  .140	| 1.343	| 1.92	| 1.99	| 1.39	|   4	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Al	|  .352	|  .988	| 1.39	| 1.66	|  ---	|   3	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Ga	|  .247	| 1.051	| 1.53	| 1.79	| 1.44	|   3	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   In	|  .207	|  .936	| 1.35	| 1.48	|  .99	|   3	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Tl	|  .142	|  .968	| 1.45	| 1.54	|  .88	|   3	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Mg	|  .237	|  .550	|  .78	|  .93	|  ---	|   2	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Zn	|  .273	|  .630	| 1.00	| 1.38	|  .75	|   2	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Cd	|  .206	|  .610	|  .91	| 1.11	|  .75	|   2	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Hg	|  .131	|  .702	| 1.08	| 1.30	| 1.00	|   2	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Li	|  .175	|  .185	|  .33	|  ---	|  ---	|   1	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


     Table 3.5: Final parameters for optimized potential

                in pure elements.


			    -  43  -

e). Results: Shaw potential parameters for solutes in Al and In.
The results for impurities in Al and In are given in Tables 3.6

and 3.7., where the values of A\l\ and R\l\ are the input

parameters for the final calculation of the pseudopotential.
The values for the cohesive energy B were taken from a recent

compilation which appears in Kittel (1971). The ionization

energies I came from the tables of Moore (1949), the same

source was used for the atomic energy levels needed for the

determination of our constants &a and &b.
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|	|   ion	|	|	|	|  Evans|
	| Solute| -E\F\   |  A\0\   |  A\1\   |  A\2\   | R\2\    |
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|

	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Si	| 1.542	| 2.12	| 2.56	|  ---	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Ge	| 1.438	| 2.12	| 2.47	| 2.11	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Ga	|  .979	| 1.51	| 1.78	| 1.45	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Mg	|  .464	|  .76	|  .92	|  ---	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Zn	|  .535	|  .97	| 1.34	|  .75	|  3.0	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Cd	|  .550	|  .89	| 1.09	|  .75	|  3.0	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|

          Table 3.6: Final parameters for Al solutes.

			    -  44  -

	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|	|   ion	|	|	|	|  Evans|
	| Solute| -E\F\   |  A\0\   |  A\1\   |  A\2\   | R\2\    |
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|

	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Bi	| 1.606	| 2.34	| 2.50	| 1.79	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Sn	| 1.347	| 1.85	| 2.09	| 1.71	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Pb	| 1.272	| 1.88	| 1.98	| 1.41	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Ga	| 1.065	| 1.53	| 1.79	| 1.44	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Tl	|  .912	| 1.42	| 1.52	|  .90	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Mg	|  .577	|  .78	|  .93	|  ---	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Zn	|  .661	| 1.01	| 1.39	|  .75	|  3.0	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Cd	|  .589	|  .91	| 1.10	|  .75	|  3.0	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Hg	|  .623	| 1.05	| 1.27	|  .98	|  3.4	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   Li	|  .147	|  .32	|  ---	|  ---	|	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


	    Table 3.7: Final parameters for In solutes.
The values of R\2\ indicated for some elements in the last two 

tables are the values given by Evans(1970) for those elements

he was not able to optimize. As he indicated, this failure was

due to the inclusion of the d-core states in the quantum-defect

method. All other R\l\'s can be obtained by the relation:


			    -  45  -

f). Calculation of Shaw potential.
From these values of the A\l\'s we have calculated the

pseudopotentials, for our selection of impurities, in Al and

In. Shaw (1968,1968B) shows that his optimized pseudopotential

can be written in the following form:
                Z                        Z
(3.20)   V\o\ = - - -   $S  &J(R\l\ - r) [A\l\ - -] Pr\l\
                r                        r
where &J is a step function and Pr\l\ an operator which

projects out the l'th component of the wave function. The fact

that we are only interested in potentials representing the

scattering effects of impurities allows us to neglect the

refinements of non-local screening etc., which are necessary

for calculations involving either the total energy or the

effective ion-ion interaction. We thus use essentially the

screening function as indicated in equations (3.11) and (3.12).

The unscreened potential in function of x=q/(2k\F\) can be

split up in two parts, the first is a local contribution B(q),

the second a non-local term f(k\F\,k\F\+q); the sum of these is

then locally screened.
                 4&pZg   4&p   &m\c\R\c\^3^   Zh&a\eff\
(3.21)  B(q) = - ---- - -- [ ----- + ------ ] [j\o\(qR\c\)+j\2\(qR\c\)]
                 &O\o\q^2^   &O\o\     3       q^2^

			    -  46  -

the expression for the non-local part is:
(3.22)   f(k\F\,k\F\+q) = - --   $S   (2l+1)P\l\(cos&j)A\l\R\l\^3^ I(R\l\,k,q)
(3.23)   I (R\l\,k,q)  =    $I  x (x-1) j\l\((k\F\+q)R\l\x) j\l\(k\F\R\l\x) dx
In the equation for B(q) the first term comes from the pure

Coulomb part of the potential, the second term contains

contributions from the correlation and orthogonalization with

the conduction band of the host material. Zg and Zh are the

valences of the guest and host material, &m\c\ a quantity

analogous to the term E\c\ appearing in eqs. 3.16-19, R\c\ is

the ionic radius, &a\eff\ the value defined by Animalu; Heine

(1965) for the orthogonalization hole (note that we used the

R\c\ of the guest atom, but Zh for the valence), j\l\ and P\l\

the Bessel and Legendre functions of order l.The expression for

the non-local part is obtained by expanding the plane waves in

spherical coordinates and then evaluating the matrix elements.
The screening is done with the following expression:
(3.24)   &e^~^ (x)  =  [ &e(x) - 1 ] [ 1 - f(x) ] + 1
         f (x)  =  x^2^/ [ 2x^2^+ .5 + 1/&pk\F\]

			    -  47  -

where &e(x) is from eq. 3.11 and f(x) is a correction for

exchange and correlation due to Sham(1965).
We hope that our new evaluation of scattering potentials will

give a more reliable estimate of resistivities, Dingle

temperatures, etc. We will use these results further on when

discussing the results of Hall effect measurements and

Wejgaard(1975) has also used them for comparison to our de

Haas-van Alphen experiments.
3) Scattering.

a). Transition probabilities.
As indicated in the preceding paragraph, the potential felt by

an electron in a metal can be represented by a relativily weak

pseudopotential. Let v(r) be the PP of a single ion, then the

potential energy of an electron at the position r is given by:
(3.25)   V(r)  =   $S  v ( | r - r\j\ | )
where the r\j\'s are the positions of the individual ions. We

do not require any particular arrangement of the ions for the

moment. If the self-consistent screening of the electrons is

already included in the v(r)'s, then the V(r) will also be a

screened potential.
To obtain the wave-function representing this electron one has

to solve the time dependent Schroedinger equation:

			    -  48  -

(3.26)    ( T + V(r) ) &F  =  ih' $d&F / $dt
For the scattering problem one asks for the evolution of an

electron in state |k> into a state |k+q>. Expanding &F in plane

(3.27)    &F(r,t)   =   $S  a\q\(r) |k+q> exp( i&o\k+q\t )
where &o\k+q\ is the frequency corresponding to the energy of

the state |k+q>. Setting a\0\ =1, a\q\=0 for q =/ 0 at the

time 0, and substituting in eq. 3.26, on obtains in first order

(3.28)    i h' a\q\ exp( -i&o\k+q\t )  =  <k+q|V|k> exp( -i&o\k\t )
where the matrix elements are defined as:
  <k+q|V|k>  =  1/&O  $I   exp(-i(k+q)r) V(r) exp(ikr) d&t
Integrating this with respect to time and using a\q\(0)=0, one

obtains the probability that an electron will be found in the

state |k+q> at the time t:
                      |<k+q|V|k>|^2^   sin^2^[(&o\k\-&o\k+q\) t/2]
(3.30)   a\q\^*^a\q\  =  4  ------------   -------------------
                          h'^2^             (&o\k\-&o\k+q\)^2^
Recognizing that the factor sin^2^(&at)/&pt&a^2^ behaves like a

&d function for long times, we obtain the usual Golden Rule

no:1 for the transition probability:

			    -  49  -

(3.31)   P\k,k+q\ =  (2&p/h') * |<k+q|V|k>|^2^ * n(E)
where n(E) is the density of final states. It is to be noted

that this derivation is a first order perturbation result and

the transitions are supposed to be due to a quasi-periodic

perturbation. This will not be exactly the case for isolated

impurities which are randomly distributed in an otherwise

regular host crystal.
Now we have to find out more about V(r): consider a binary

solid solution containing host ions h and guest ions g. Then

(see eq.3.25) the potential W of the dilute alloy will be:
(3.32)   W(r)  =  $S   v^h^(r-r\h\)   +  $S   v^g^(r-r\g\)
                  h                 g
for the matrix elements we get using the definition (3.29):
(3.33)  <k+q|W|k>  =  1/N  $S  exp(-iqr\h\)<k+q|v^h^|k>
                    + 1/N  $S  exp(-iqr\g\)<k+q|v^g^|k>
If we assume that the impurity atoms are substitutional, i.e.

if they are located on host atom sites, we can write:
(3.34)  <k+q|W|k>  =  1/N  $S   exp(-iqr\h,g\)<k+q|v^h^|k>
                    + 1/N  $S   exp(-iqr\g\)<k+q|v^g^-v^h^|k>

			    -  50  -

(3.35)   <k+q|W|k>  =  S(q)<k+q|v^h^|k> + S'(q)<k+q|v^g^-v^h^|k>
The S(q) is the structure factor of the average lattice, which,

in the case of substitutional impurities, is equal to the pure

structure factor. This structure factor is non-zero only for

reciprocal lattice vector values q\o\ of q.This is an

infinitesimal set of all the q's playing a role in scattering

processes and all it does is determine the shape of the Fermi-

surface and the character of the wave functions on this same

surface. When q=/q\o\, S(q) is zero and we are left with:
(3.36)  <k+q|W|k>  =  S'\i\(q) <k+q|v^g^|k>  +  S'\v\(q) <k+q|v^h^|k>
Here S'(q) is the structure factor of the randomly distributed

guest atoms. It is easily seen that S'\v\(q)=-exp(-iqr\o\)/N

for a vacancy and S'\i\(q)=exp(-iqr\o\)/N for an interstitial

at the position r\o\.
b). Lattice distortions.
There is one complication in giving an exact expression for

S'\v\(q): an impurity introduced in the host lattice induces a

local distortion of its surrounding. This effect is difficult

to take into account, but several authors have given a

treatment of this problem. Eshelby(1954,1956) has shown that in

the limit of continuum elasticity the distortion can be written

@ea                    _
(3.37)     u(r)  =  A  r / r^3^

			    -  51  -

and that the constant A can be obtained from X-ray data in the

following way:
          &Da     4
(3.38)    --  =  -  &p&hA&g
           a     3
where &Da/a is the change in X-ray lattice constant, &h the

concentration of defects per unit volume and &g=3(1-&s)/(1+&s),

where &s is the Poisson ratio for the host material. (&s=.353

for Al, &s=.425 for In) Hence, the relative change in volume

around an impurity is:
         (1+&s) 1 da     4&pA
(3.39)   ----- - --  =  ---
         (1-&s) a dC      &O\o\
where c is the relative atomic concentration and &O\o\ the host

atomic volume. Now S'\v\(q) becomes:
(3.40)   S'\v\(q)  =  1/N  $S  exp(-iq(r\i\+u\i\)
                                      4&pA    &O\o\qr\i\
(3.41)         = 1/N  $S  exp(-iqr\i\) - ---  $S ----- exp(-iqr\i\)
                                       &O\o\    4&pr\i\^3^
The first term evaluated for a vacancy, gives exp(-iqr\o\)/N

and the second sum can be shown to give (Harrison,1966):
                                    q&O\o\     j\1\(q|r\i\-r\o\|)
(3.42)   g(q) exp(-iqr\o\)/N , g(q) = ---  $S  ------------
                                    4&p        |r\i\-r\o\|^2^

			    -  52  -

Hence we are left with:
(3.43)   S'\v\(q)  =  - (1 + --- g(q) ) exp(-iqr\o\)/N
The term in brackets represents the effective volume of the

vacancy in the limit of long wavelengths. This change in volume

has been used by Blatt(1957) to define an effective valence Z

(1+&DV/&O\o\) for the host. The function g(q) was evaluated and

tabulated by Shaw(1968b).
The assumption that the distortion can be represented by an

elastic law like in eq.3.37, has been questioned by several

authors: Benedek; Baratoff(1971), Flocken; Hardy(1970), Beal-

Monod; Kohn(1968). They calculate the ion displacement from the

force constants between the ions and, thus, obtain anisotropic

displacements. Although the treatment of anisotropic scattering

centers seems rather difficult to take into account, it would

be interesting to include these nearest neighbour displacements

in defining an effective scattering potential of the distortion

cluster. We will see in the next sections that the homovalent

impurities give rather bad results, when compared to the

experiments. It is just in these cases that the influence of

distortions could be very important.

			    -  53  -

c). Phase shifts.(Results)
The final form of the scattering potential W of an impurity in

a host lattice is as follows: (see eqs. 3.36 and 3.43)
(3.44)   <k+q|W|k> = 1/N exp(-iqr\i\) <k+q|w|k>
         <k+q|w|k> = <k+q|v^g^|k> - [1 + --- g(q) ] <k+q|v^h^|k>
Some typical results of our computed <k+q|w|k> are shown in

Fig.3.3. For later discussions it will be convenient to

parametrize these potentials with the phase shifts obtained in

the Born approximation and calculated with the help of eq.3.45

(see Harrison(1970) p.186)
(3.45)   &d\l\^BA^ = - ----   $I  P\l\(cos &j) <k+q|w|k> d(cos &j)
In Tables 3.8 and 3.9 we give the resulting phase shifts for Al

and In (including the pure metal and the vacancy impurity)

along with the effective valence Z^*^ of the impurity obtained

from the Friedel sum rule:
          *    2
(3.46)   Z  =  -   $S   (2l + 1)  &d\l\

			    -  54  -


		FIGURE 3.3

      Figure 3.3:Selected scattering potentials <k+q|w|k>

                 for impurities in Al and In.

			    -  55  -

|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|    *	|
|	|   &d	|   &d	|   &d	|   &d	|   &d	|   Z	|
|	|    0	|    1	|    2	|    3	|    4	|	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|

|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   Al	|  .773	|  .769	|  .241	|  .052	|  .008	|  3.01	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
| AlVac	|  .042	|  .108	|  .075	|  .062	|  .032	|  0.93	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  AlSi	|  .629	|  .266	|  .063	|  .027	|  .011	|  1.29	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  AlGe	|  .618	|  .197	|  .011	| -.004	| -.007	|  0.75	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  AlGa	|  .177	| -.027	| -.049	| -.014	| -.007	| -0.19	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  AlMg	| -.515	| -.296	| -.076	| -.037	| -.016	| -1.39	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  AlZn	| -.145	| -.163	| -.157	|  .007	|  .004	| -0.85	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  AlCd	| -.196	| -.103	| -.090	|  .047	|  .022	| -0.27	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


@ke       Table  3.8: Phase shifts and Z^*^ for Al.
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|    *	|
|	|   &d	|   &d	|   &d	|   &d	|   &d	|   Z	|
|	|    0	|    1	|    2	|    3	|    4	|	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|

|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|   In	| 1.116	|  .788	|  .158	|  .055	|  .006	|  3.00	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InBi	|  .819	|  .383	|  .054	| -.032	| -.014	|  1.20	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InSn	|  .395	|  .220	|  .082	| -.010	| -.004	|  0.87	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InPb	|  .465	|  .158	|  .018	| -.027	| -.010	|  0.48	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InGa	|  .247	|  .029	|  .070	|  .024	|  .010	|  0.60	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InTl	|  .123	| -.016	| -.059	| -.007	| -.003	| -0.19	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InMg	| -.606	| -.239	|  .006	| -.024	| -.003	| -0.95	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InZn	| -.179	| -.123	|  .017	|  .057	|  .021	|  0.08	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InCd	| -.325	| -.187	| -.031	|  .004	|  .004	| -0.62	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|  InHg	| -.097	| -.173	| -.114	|  .022	|  .007	| -0.62	|
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


         Table 3.9: Phase shifts and Z^*^ for In.